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I woke up startled when I heard a thud sound. Living life like the one I live, every sound seems like a danger to me. But I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw what really happened.

As we eat our lunch, I couldn't help but think how the hell did I end up sleeping like a log?

Oh right, I haven't had much sleep in the past days. 

We finish our lunch and plop down the couch.

"Let's play 20 questions." Suddenly the girl beside me said and all I could get out of my mouth was 


She rolls her eyes and turns her body towards me.

"I am starting because I know that you are aware of what I am talking about."

"So, what's your perfect day?" I turned a bit to look at her as I thought about it.

"Umm, I don't know. Sleeping and eating all day?" I said shrugging.

"Really? That's all you got?" She says looking at me with a bored expression.

Can you blame a person who has not slept properly for the last few days to imagine any other thing to make his perfect day.

I am not able to think straight now.

"Okay, I have got one. What's your most happy memory?" I ask.

After this game, I will definitely try to sleep for sometime before it gets dark.

"Ummm, it will have to be when I got my company registered. I still remember that day crystal clear. Can't think of any other day that made me that happy." She has this little twinkle in her eyes when she talks about the things she loves. Like when she talks about her parents, her company, puppies, pizza and Niall Horan of course.

"Okay, now my turn. If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be?" She asks crossing her legs and placing a pillow in her lap.

"A guitar. " I say immediately. I have been wanting to get a tattoo for a long time but didn't get the time.

"Oh wow!" She asks excitedly.

"Haha, now my turn, what qualities do you like in a person?" I ask mimicking her position as I turn fully towards her.

"Umm, he/she should be independent, humorous, dedicated." She says while thinking still.

Hmmm, sounds like me?! Maybe. Good to know.

"And yeah honesty." And with that she finishes her answer.

And now that person is really not me. I have kept such a big secret from her. I just hope one day she can forgive me.

"Xavier! Where were you lost? Now it's my turn. So, what's your biggest fear?"

"Letting down the people who are close to me. " I answer looking in her eyes.

Before she could question me on that, I changed the topic.

"Tell me, what's the one thing that people don't know about you?"

"Ummm, maybe the fact that I sleep with a soft toy?" She says unsure, which makes me chuckle.

"What? Really?" I ask not believing what my ears hear.

"Hey. Don't judge!" She asks .

"No, I am not! I think it's cute." I say leaning forward and pinching her cheek.

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