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No-no-no. This yellow cupboard looks so tacky in front of that red wall. What was Sheela thinking when she chose yellow.

Okay let's see, white, no black, no white, ugh they both look good.

Okay got it, Let's have a white with a few black detailing.

After a few minutes, I take a look at it.

Hmmm, it looks...

"Perfect." I jump out of my seat as I heard a voice speak from behind me.

I turn around and look at the source of the sound to find a man standing with an amused expression.

"Xavier." His name comes out of my mouth before I can register.

"In the flesh. And you must be Andrianna, considering your name is on the door and also I got a picture from your father." He says chuckling while extending his hand.

"Yes, I indeed am." I ask while taking his hand for a hand-shake.

I can't believe we are being so formal, shaking hands like that. I mean we used to be inseparable back in days. Being apart for so long does change a lot of things.

"So, mister, do you have this habit of sneaking behind everyone's back and scaring the shit out of them?" I ask moving towards the sofas and gesturing him to do the same.

"No, not a habit. But when someone doesn't answer on two knocks and name being called 4 times, I tend to take the liberty of making myself comfortable." He says shrugging.

While he walks to seat on the sofa-chair across me, I take in his appearance. 

The picture doesn't do justice to his mesmerizing green eyes, his sharp jawline, his soft brown hair. Looking oh so handsome in that black jean, white T-shirt with a denim jacket and white sneakers.

"Okay jokes aside, it is nice seeing you after all these years.......batman." I tease him knowing he will get annoyed.

"You remember." He asks shocked.

"If there is one thing that I can't ever forget in my life, it would be your obsession with batman. " I say chuckling.

"Ha! look who's talking, the tomato girl." He says pointing at me.

"Hey! It was not my fault that your ball was also red. I got confused. For god's sake, I was only 5 years old." I exclaim raising my hands in the sir.

Okay, this backfired. Shouldn't have brought up that batman thing. Now, this tomato incident has turned my face in the same color.

"Yeah yeah. Anything that helps you sleep at night." He says winking at me.

I glare at him, making him chuckle.

"Okay okay. Let's drop this. It's been so long since we two saw each other. So how are doing?" He asks with a smile.

"I am doing well. How about you? What brings you to New York.?"

"Oh. My company transferred me here. And would you look at that! The tomato girl lives here too, of all the places in this entire place." He says extending his hand to pinch my cheeks.

"DON'T!" I shout as I lean back on my chair away from his hand.

"Haha! Still the same I see. Good to know." He says amused, leaning back on his chair as well.

"You too are the same mister. Still not getting the message that I don't like it when someone pinches my cheeks." I say crossing my arms across my chest.

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