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So Brian took an off today. That was a surprise in itself. Because all the years that we have been together, we didn't take a day off for each other's birthdays, but instead used to celebrate after duty.

Samantha. Wish you were here.

Brian and Andrianna have been pampering me all day, that it makes me feel like a 15 year old. Brian and I just spent 4 hours of endless videogames, while Andrianna baked cookies for us.
Perfect. I think I don't need anything else.

Andrianna and I are on much better terms since last night. Now I feel a little less guilty and more happy around her when I see her genuine smile.
I am starting to feel this hope flicker inside of me, that maybe everything will be fine now.

Currently, I am in my room reading a book while Andrianna and Brian are doing god knows what in the living room. But it isn't that hard to guess.
Surprise party of course.

It's definitely been a while since I have had a party at home. It's usually at the agency, or sometimes even during a mission if we have one ongoing.

"Xavier are you ready?" I hear Andrianna shout and just a second later the door opens.

She steps in wearing a beautiful green gown with her hair in a perfect side bun, and yes those naughty strands touching framing her face softly. But the usually straight strands are curled up today. She walks over to me and adjusts my collar slightly.

"Perfect." She says looking up to my eyes.


"Now let's go." She says grabbing my hand and walk me out of the room slowly.

"Happy Birthday Xavier!" I hear everyone shout as my living room comes in sight.

I look around in surprise to see black and green balloons all around the place. With so many pictures hanging from the wall, some from my childhood, some from my time at the agency. I scan the faces of the guests to see they are from my agency, but my eyes stop at two faces in the middle of the crowd.

"Dad! Mom!" I exclaim and take small steps towards them.

"Happiest Birthday my baby." My mom wishes to engulf me in a tight hug.

"Thank you so much mom!"

"Hey, go easy on my boy." I hear my father say and I pull away from mom.

"Happy Birthday, big guy." He says hugging me and strongly patting me on the back.

"Thanks dad!"

"Now let's get this party started!!!" Brian shouts while standing on the table and pointing the remote to the music system. Not a second later the music starts playing.

I see Brian jump down from the table and walk to me with Matt. They grab my hands and direct me to the center of the living room.

"What are you guys planning to do?" I ask.

"We are going to dance of course." Matt says and start dancing beside me while I just keep still for a while.

I start taking steps to the sides, trying to be in sync with the rhythm. But I get startled by the huge shouts and I look up to see all the people cheering and whistling with their eyes focused on me. I spot my father giving me a proud smile, while my mother is looking at me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. And Andrianna, she is looking at me with such admiration and

"Whhoooo!! That's my man!" Brian shouts in my ear.

Looking around at these people, here to celebrate my day, fills my heart with this pleasant warm feeling.

"Time for the cake everyone!" Andrianna shouts over the music and walks towards us with the cake in her hands. Matt quickly grabs the high table on the side, and Andrianna gently places the cake on the table.

She quickly turns around and walks back into the kitchen and returns with a knife. Brian places the candles on the cake and lights them up. I was going to blow them, but Andrianna places a hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"Make a wish first." She smiles, and I couldn't help but oblige although I have not wished like that for a long time.

I nod and close my eyes. Wishing for my life to return to normal, I blow off the candles and cut the cake as everyone starts clapping and singing. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.
I cut out a small piece and first make my father eat it, then mother, then Andrianna.

"Did I mention how gorgeous you look tonight?" I whisper in her ear.

"No, you forgot!!" She says giving me a playful punch on my arm which makes me laugh.

I take another piece and turn to Brian. But before I could make him eat, he ran his hand over the cake scooping the frosting in his hands. My eyes widen realizing what is coming next.
I try to move as much as my feet allow me, but I feel strong hands grab me from behind.
I tilt my head to father?

I am telling you he is showing a whole new side as opposed to his usual serious nature. What's happened to him in these 6 years?!

"Come on Brian." He shouts.

"Yes, sir!" He yells and I close my eyes as the cake is smeared all over my face.

Wow! Great!

"You guys had to do that!" I groan.

"I'll go wash it off. "

"Here you go. Should I come?" He asks grabbing my arm.

"No, I'll be fine." I say walking towards my room.

After cleaning the mess on my face, I exit my bedroom to return to the party, but on the way, I hear someone's phone ringing. Following the sound, I realise it's coming from a phone on the table near me.

Andrianna's phone?
She must have forgot it here.

The phone rang again and this time I noticed the caller ID.

Where have I heard that name?
And then I recall. The 'best man' guy. Why is he calling her?

I shake my head to get rid of the thought.
I shouldn't butt my head where it isn't required. They maybe friends, after all she was the Maid of Honour right?

A ping brings me back from my thoughts, and glance down to see a message pop on her screen.
My eyes widen when they accidentally land on a certain line.

'I can't be friends with the girl that I love.'

I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Why the hell did I glance at it when it pinged with the incoming message?!

I feel my mood take a 180 degree spin on seeing those words and I place my hand on the table to steady myself. I don't know but this message felt like a huge blow to my heart.

I mean wasn't I the one who was hoping she should move on with someone else? Then why is that bothering me so much now?

Maybe it's because she lied to me that she didn't meet anyone. Or maybe because when she said that, a small flower of hope blossomed in my heart. Or maybe I started to think that maybe, just maybe, things can return back to normal between us and we can give each other a chance. And maybe I let myself believe that all of this was possible.

The sound of loud music brought me back from my thoughts.
Taking a few deep breaths to calm down, I walk back into the party, and try and act normal, although inside I feel my heart breaking.

It is really surprising that how a single message can effect you this much. That you forget that you have your birthday party going on, with the people you love, here with you celebrating your happiness. But you on the other hand, have other things on your mind.

The constant question in my mind being:
'Why did she lie to me?'

"Xavier? Where are you lost?" Brian nudges me on the side.

"Nothing, get me something to eat, will you? I am starving." I say sitting down on the couch.

I have to eat. Something. Anything. And lots of it!


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