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The next few days were the same, me watching her while she works on her desk. One day she went to the office, and we followed her. Nothing unusual for the last three days. And let me tell you, I am feeling uneasy now.

What the hell are they up too?

After that letter, it seems as if they have disappeared.

Today Andrianna is coming over to show me the rest of the designs. I am really not interested in the designs right now. I hope I am able to mask this in front of her. I mean I am obviously glad she'll be around me but I am not in a mood for talking designs.

My thoughts are cut off when I heard the doorbell ring.

Right! I saw her leaving the house. I go down the stairs and open the door.

"Hi, Andrianna. " I say not being able to keep the broad smile off my face.

Great! she'll think I am a creep now.

"Hey." She says tucking her hair behind her ear. I guess she does it when she is nervous.

But why is she nervous?

I gesture for her to come inside. I take her straight to my room. I sit on the bed while she takes a place beside me. I stare as she takes out her laptop from the bag and places it on her lap.

I guess she felt my eyes on her and she suddenly looks towards me. I avert my eyes to the wall beside me. The plain wall suddenly looking very interesting to me.

"So let's get started?" She asks snapping me out of my trance.

Hey! I was really finding that wall interesting all of a sudden.

We were going through the designs, and the whole time I was looking at her. I don't know maybe it's the fact that I just want her in my arm's length all the time but this is not the case in this mission. It's as if I am making up for the times when I am not around her.

"Xavier! Look at the screen will you." I heard her raising her voice a little.

I guess I was staring too much.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I look at the screen and keep on looking for the next 1 hour, occasionally glancing at her from the corner of my eye.

Finally, it was done and I just made myself comfortable on the bed and closed my eyes.

Can I sleep now?

Now that she is close to me I feel myself relax. But she will think I am an idiot. So I open my eyes and was surprised to see her looking straight in my eyes. I felt as if the world stopped. We just continued to stare at each other, no one wanting to take their eyes of the other.

I, for the insecurity I felt when she is not in front of me, but I don't know her reason.

But then all of the things hit me hard. The mission, her parents, my father, Brian, Samantha, that letter, that man, the mafia, and the fact that this innocent girl in front of me is in danger.

I felt a tingling sensation in my eyes and quickly sat up from the bed before she notices my eyes tearing up. I blinked my eyes a few times to get rid of it.


I need something to eat. Real quick.

"You hungry? Coz I am starving really." I say walking towards the door and gesturing her to follow me.

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