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"Please let me drive? Please, Anna. " He says looking at me with begging eyes.

But I'm not giving up alright. I can't let anyone drive my baby. She's mine.

"Ugh." He groans in frustration and gets in the passenger seat. I smirk and get in the driver's seat.

God, he can be such a child sometimes.

He has crossed his arms over his chest and is now looking out of the window.

"You might wanna put on your seat belt." I poke him and then proceed to put mine. But when I am done, I see he has not moved.

"Xavier." No reaction.

"XAVIER." Nothing.

I guess then I'll have to take the matters in my own hands.

I reach over across him to grab the seat belt but he turns towards me the same damn time!

And now are faces are just 2 inches apart. I find myself staring down those mesmerizing eyes and I realize that I made a big mistake. But he looks at me with a straight face meaning I am the only one feeling awkward in this position. I quickly retreat to my seat and he puts on his seatbelt.

"Uh. We will first select the tiles." I state trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

"Yeah, that sounds cool." He says trying to act cool but it was too cool. Totally out of his character as far as I have noticed.

This means he was surprised after all. But he masked it pretty well.

After spending the whole day roaming from one market to another, we managed to book all the things and were on our way to his house because apparently someone forgot to pick his guitar.

As we reached the house I saw a car outside the house and two people standing outside. A man and a woman. I stopped the car, and Xavier got out and jogged up to them I parked the car and went towards them. They were laughing about something.

"Hey, guys. This is Andrianna. My childhood friend." He says side-hugging me.

"And Anna, this is Brian and this is Samantha. My colleagues." He says gesturing to the man and woman.

Okay, so these were the guys from that night.

"See I told you I was going to make you guys meet one day." God here he goes again being dramatic and stuff.

"How the hell do you put up with him?" Samantha asks rolling her eyes. Xavier glares at her but she just ignores it.

Wow! She's awesome.

"Well, I am still coping up with it. " I say in a sad tone while Xavier looks at me with his mouth wide open.

"I like you, we're gonna be friends. " Samantha says extending her hand for a handshake which I take immediately.

"What the hell man! You guys are mean." He says stomping his feet and moving over to Brian.

"Brian! You the man! " He says swinging an arm across his shoulder.

"Actually---" Brian starts but Xavier quickly cuts him off. Maybe he realized that Brian was going to take our side. He whispers something in his ear and he shuts up immediately.

"Okay as much as I want to stay and roast Xavier some more, we need to get going. Unlike some others, we are not working from home these days."She says glancing at Xavier.

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