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I slump down on the bench in exhaustion. Closing my eyes I take a few deep breaths to compose myself. I run my hand tiredly through my now wet hair and open my eyes. Seeing the bloody punching bag sprawled on the floor, I glance at my hands. 

Indeed I bust my knuckles. Again.

I sigh and get up from the bench. Grabbing my bag, I walk over to the door and switch off the lights before walking out of the gym.

Putting on my hoodie, I start walking on the side of the road towards my house.


I enter my apartment and head straight for the shower. After a somewhat refreshing shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and exit the bathroom while drying my hair. On the way to my closet, I stop in front of the mirror. 

There's nothing new that I see. 

Same dark bags that have not left my face for a few months now, a cut just above my eyebrow that I got in my last mission. It's not that big but is noticeable. Well, maybe there is a change. I look way more exhausted than ever. Maybe the continuous missions since the last 4 months are starting to show.

I can see why my colleagues insisted on me taking a few days off. One day even my father said, maybe I should take a break. In my defense I was making up for the desk job I had for the first month after I came back from New York. Or maybe I didn't want to stop working. For if I did, I will give more time to my thoughts, and my mind these days.... is just a mess. Mess of conflicted emotions and feelings towards a certain someone.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my phone's ringtone. I walk over to my bag and pull out my phone.

"Xavier." I say in a hard voice.

"Sir, we have the location of their main warehouse. The intel is they are going to be there to collect their shipment." Shawn, my partner in the current mission says from the other side.

"What time?" I ask massaging my temples.

"Around 11:30 pm. The shipment is scheduled to arrive at 12 midnight."

"Fine. We reach at 11:00. Meet me at the agency at 10 with Ahmed."

"Copy that." I cut the call and threw it on the bed. But then a thought invaded my mind.

It's been 1 month since I last talked to Samantha and Brian.

I quickly walked over to the closet and change into my nightclothes.

Settling down on my bed, I pick up my phone and call Samantha.

"Long time no call idiot." Samantha laughs.

"Haha. I missed you too, idiot." I couldn't help the soft smile making its way on my face.

"Seriously man, how are things back at the agency?" She asks.

"Everything's good here. You know Dean finally proposed to his girlfriend." I smile recalling how Dean got down on his knee and asked Ruby to marry him.

"It was about time. I still remember the times when he used to drag us to the coffee house where she worked."

"Good times. Good times." I close my eyes.

"Indeed." She laughs which makes me laugh along with her.

Ahh, I can't remember the last time I laughed like this.

"How are things there?" I ask.

"Smooth, which is still not that reassuring." She replies in a serious tone.

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