sick 'ʸᵉᵒˢᵃⁿᵍ

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dialing Sang-sang 💕💕


"Hey baby.."

*coughs* "Hi"

"What's with your voice? Are you okay, sangie?"

"Just...a little sick"

"Sighhh.. that doesn't sound 'little' to me"

"I don't know?"

"I'm coming over"

"But you have work"

"How can I work when I know my boyfriend is sick?"

"You r-really don't need to come though..."

"No I'm coming, rest ok?"

Before Yeosang could protest you hung up.

The sick lad knew that you wouldn't take no as an answer, but he tried nonetheless. He felt kinda bad, at the thought of you betraying your own work just for him, but at the same time he also felt giddy knowing that his girlfriend is there to take care of him.

Meanwhile, you took your bag and other essential things before getting in your car and driving to the nearest pharmacy to buy medicine for your sick boyfriend.

After successfully buying the needed stuff at the pharmacy you went to the grocery in hopes to find ingredients that you could use to make food for him.

You being you, was really worried for your boyfriend. As soon as you heard his voice, you knew he wasn't feeling well. You also knew he probably didn't have anything to eat yet today, so that's why you're going to his home.

Making sure you bought everything you needed, you drove towards his place.

Knock knock

Was all it took to get Yeosang on his weak legs and go open the door for the person who he has been longing to see.

The door opened as Yeosang stood there, wrapped in a thick blanket and looking all tired with dark bags under his eyes. (But he still looks amazing)

You smiled as he did the same, but less energetic then yours. He invited you in and you made your way to the kitchen to set the stuff you brought.

"Sangie..go rest. I'll make porridge for you." Yeosang obeyed and plopped on the sofa as he stared at your petite figure walking around the kitchen that is just across the living room. The layout of his apartment had the kitchen and living room kind of connected to each other, there was no wall separating the two rooms, making it look bigger and more spacious.

"Y/nnnnn~" you heard his hoarse voice calling you. You hummed, as you were focused on cooking the porridge. But that wasn't the answer he wanted. He slowly stood up, ignoring the sudden wave of nausea through his body and went to the kitchen.

His steps were as light as feather that you couldn't even hear him making his way behind you. He wrapped his slender arms around your small waist as he rested his head on yours since he was taller than you, taking you by surprise.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be laying on the sofa-"

"Shhhh..I want to hug you right now." He whispered in your ear as your heart softened at how cute and clingy he was.

You both stayed in that position, until you were done cooking his porridge.
You stole a glance at your boyfriend, only to see his face so close to yours while he had his eyes closed.

You wonder, how could someone look so peaceful and still beautiful even when they're sick.

I mean, that's Yeosang.

After god knows how long you've been staring at him, you poured a generous amount of porridge in a bowl before shrugging your boyfriend off of you.

"Sangie, it's time to eat."

He whined, not wanting to lose the warmth from you. Eventually, he felt tired, his legs didn't have enough energy to hold him up for too long so he obliged and went back to the couch in the living room, with you trailing slowly behind him being careful not to spill any porridge on the floor.

You plopped down beside your boyfriend who snuggled himself in his blanket.

Oh how I wish I was that blanket

You took a spoonful of the porridge, blowing it before bringing the spoon to his lips. Yeosang opened his mouth, the warm liquid filling itself in his mouth.

Yeosang felt satisfied at the feeling of food finally settling in his stomach. As he was sick, he didn't have the energy to cook anything for himself today and he was hungry. He felt really thankful for his girlfriend for cooking him food.

After swallowing the first bite, he opened his mouth again, being impatient for his second spoon of this yummy porridge you made. You laughed as you brought the spoon up again to his mouth, feeling happy that Yeosang liked your food.

In just a few bites, the bowl had no more supply of the porridge. Yeosang sunk himself into the couch, feeling full after eating. You stood up, bringing the bowl with you to the kitchen before coming back to Yeosang with water and pills.

He took a few sips of water, then plopping a pill before swallowing it with water.

He then opened his blanket, signalling you to slip in it. You did, and snuggled up to him with his arms resting lightly around your waist. He snuggled himself in your warmth, feeling nice being in your arms and you in his.

"Thank you....for coming." He whispered to you, his eyes slowly closing as he felt sleepy after having a meal.

"Your welcome, Sang." He pecked your forehead and slowly drifted to sleep with you in his arms.

PardOn me for making it short uH— I'm too lazy lmao
Btw hePi neW yOrs
Let's hope 2021 won't be a trashy year <3
Even my sibling who doesn't like kpop likes it ksndjsbdjdh
Also,,, I published a new book, it's called 'Unsealing'. It's a Yunho ff!!! If interested, don't forget to check it out and maybe support it too 👉👈💞💞


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