stranger danger 'ʸᵉᵒˢᵃⁿᵍ

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(Includes a lil' violence!)

"See you tomorrow!!" You waved your hand towards your friends, them doing the same but more energetic and chaotic. You laughed at their weird behavior and shooed them off.

It was a peaceful night in Seoul. You and your friends just got out of the late night classes you had before your exams started. You see, being a senior needs a lot of hard work!

You walked through the alleys of Seoul, the moon shining it's light on you as well as the lamp posts. Walking around at night was a normal routine for you. Of course, it can be dangerous especially for a girl like you. Who knows? One day there will be a drunk jerk stopping you? Or a weird dude who wants to kidnap you? It did scare you at times when you think about the possibilities of getting yourself in a bad situation, but that didn't stop you from going around alone. Sure, you had to hear your brother nagging at you all the time saying that "it's not safe for a young lady like you!", but you still do it anyways; and somehow convinced your brother to let you walk back home alone.

I get it Seonghwa, you're the second mom of the house, but geez let me live

No can do, you cute little brat

You shivered inwardly as his voice came into your mind. How the heck did he do that? You shook your head, thinking you were just hearing things.

Suddenly, a black cat with green eyes came to you, it meowed at you as it brushed itself on your legs. You cooed at the cute beings action. Squatting down, you patted it softly, the cat purring in response.

"Wait, why are you so cute?" You mumbled, staring down at it lovingly as you kept thinking how cute it was. "Oh, you're a boy." You blurted out after you saw him clearly when he suddenly laid down on the floor.

"I'mma name you Buff," you patted him on the stomach. "Because you look buff and brave to accompany me late at night hehe..." you giggled as Buff meowed at you, almost as if saying he likes the name.

Buff's ears suddenly perked up, his eyes wondered around as he for aware of his surroundings. His ears caught sounds coming from a certain alley, and so he made his way there. And you being you, you followed him.

By the time you arrived there, Buff was gone, probably somewhere in the dark alley. "Buff? Where'd ya go?" You looked around, not minding the presences behind you. Still being unaware, you breathe caught up in your throat when you heard someone's voice.

"Look who we got here, a little girl." A man that was engulfed by the dark emerged out with a few men behind him. "And she had the audacity to ruin our fun." A guy with a big scar on his cheek spoke with venom in his mouth, ready to pounce on the person who disturbed them.

Your eyebrows furrowed as a few of them walked closer to you. The hairs of your skin rose, feeling your heart beat quicken in a rapid pace as panic rose in you.

"Well, atleast we got a toy to play with." Another guy with a slightly horrifying face said, making the others chuckle and you gulping rather harshly.

The others around you chuckled, amused by how scared you were. It was like predators wanting to eat their prey.

You took a few steps back until your back collided with the brick wall of a building. The guy who had a scar on his face twirled a few strands of your hair around his fingers, breathing in the scent of the shampoo you used. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt yourself sweating a waterfall.

Just as he was about to do whatever he was doing, something jumped on top of him making him fall to the ground. He groaned at the sudden impact, checking his bruised hand that got scratched by the rough floor.

The man than halted his movements, his eyes turning wide as he saw a werewolf before him. A wolf with a pretty tone of blonde fur and grey charismatic eyes. He was big, really big compared to other dogs out there running around the streets.

The wolf growled and showed it's sharp fangs, making the group of men shake in fear and for their life.

What happened to the dominant and fearless men?

The werewolf thought and inwardly chuckled. He cocked his head to the side, giving them a good glare at them that clearly tells them to get lost before he rips their head off their bodies.

He quickly glanced at your shaking figure, taking in your condition. He scanned you from head to toe, and fortunately not finding any signs of you getting hurt.

The man with scar- or also known as the leader of the gang, however, was cocky. So he decided it was a good idea to fight the animal that he, obviously won't win against.

"Don't tell me you guys are cowards? It's just a wolf for goodness sake." The leader got up and dusted himself before turning his attention towards his gang.

"What are you waiting for?"

The group of men circled around the wolf, and made their attacks. The wolf managed to dodge all of them, and it was his turn to attack. He jumped on one of the men who had a small dagger in his hand, he bit his arm and threw him across the alley. Another man tried kicking him, but the wolf was fast enough and kicked him to the wall instead. Suddenly, he growled as he felt a cut on his leg.

Oh you're so trying to get yourself killed

He ran on top of the culprit on full speed, placing his teeth around the guy's neck to choke him. The man was struggling to fight back, finding it hard to breathe. And not long after, he stopped breathing.

The wolf did more attacks on the remaining men. They went down from 10 to 7, 7 to 5, 5 to 2 and then the last one.

After making sure all of them were not moving an breathing, he changed back to his human form. And man not only his beautiful blonde fur was attractive, but so is his face. He pushed a few strands of his blonde hair away from his face, he checked his hands, seeing blood and scratches on them. He sighed at the thought of getting nagged at by his hyung later at home when he finds out.

Bruh I can already hear him

Upon realising that there was another presence in the alley- and the reason why he came here in the first place, he turned around to see you, eyes wide, mouth hung open while your body just stood there, stiff.

"Are you okay?" His deep but soothing voice asked you, concerned for your state- which he should be concerned for himself as he himself is covered in scratches. "I- you- w-what...." You stuttered, suddenly finding it hard to speak out a word. Panic rose in the boy, he put his hands up, showing he had no potential in hurting you.

"I'm Yeosang." Yeosang introduced himself. "I'm Y-Y/n.." you finally spoke, your voice sounding so vulnerable and fragile.

"Hey hey, it's okay. They're gone, alright?"

You nodded and said to yourself, "They're gone, they're gone..."

"But you..who, are you?" You asked him. The boy in question chuckled, "That's for me to know and for you to find out." He flashed a smile and changed back to his animal form. He looked at you one last time before saying,

"I'll see you again."

I was planning to make it short but it turned out quite long...uhhhh-

Stay safe y'allz <//3


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