can't sleep? 'ʷᵒᵒʸᵒᵘⁿᵍ

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Today was no other then a normal day. You had no work to do and so did your husband. You sat down on the stool thinking of ways to kill the boredom. The sudden idea of watching horror movies came up. Yes, you were scared but it won't hurt watching it once in awhile right? Besides Wooyoung would be there so there's nothing to be scared about.

Wooyoung was your husband and you two got married for almost a year now. Well, forced to. It was a forced marriage that both of you declined, but since your parents were big people you two could do nothing but agree with it.

Yours and Wooyoungs parents owned one of the biggest companies in Korea. The Jung company wanted their son to take the CEO position on behalf of his father. He couldn't take care of it alone, so his parents and yours came up with an idea of marriage for the both of you.

Neither you nor Wooyoung liked the idea of marriage, both of you didn't want any of this. But being the child of a CEO you can't get away with anything.

You two didn't hate each other, its just that you both don't have the best chemistry.

All you wanted was a happy life, being able to live with someone you really love. But again, you wanted to make your parents pleased. And so did he.

Despite being together for almost a year, you two are not close. The house is always quiet, none of you talked to each other and the only time you do is when you have to discuss on your business or when your parents are there. The only sound in the house is either from the tv, bathroom or when your cooking.

You didn't want to watch it alone so you decided to call him, praying he would say yes. Your husband isn't a wimp like you, or so you thought.

Before you could go call him he came in the living room and sat on the sofa. Perfect, you thought. You went to go and get some blankets and set it on the big sofa you and your husband sat.

"Hey woo? Do you want to watch a horror film with me? Please..." you asked with yours asking for him to say yes. He hesitated at first but then nodded, making you squeal and sit down beside him, but still left a good space between you both.

Halway through the movie, you were already hiding behind the blanket in your hands, covering your eyes from the screen.

Wooyoung would take secret glances at you from time to time, thinking about how cute you looked. Since you were too busy hiding behind the pillow, you were oblivious of it.

Wooyoung just sat there with a straight face, but deep inside he was asking for it to stop. "Oh my god this is so scary why did I agree?" He muttered, cautiously taking the closest pillow near him, hugging it closely to his chest. The movie was loud but you got to hear what he muttered, kind of.

"What?" You asked, turning your head away from the tv to face him. "W-what?" He stuttered, confused as to why you suddenly asked him that.

Don't tell me she heard what I said, ughh stupid Wooyoung.

"Oh nothing, thought I heard you say something...." you trailed. "Uhhh no..? I didn't say anything..." he said, turning his attention towards the big screen. You shrugged and did the same.

The movie ended quicker than you thought. Once the movie stopped you turned your head to see Wooyoung already getting up. "Where are you going?" You asked, your eyes not tearing off his figure. "Our room. To sleep, duh"

You nodded and also stood up from the sofa. You took all the blankets that layed everywhere, folded it and stacked in on the sofa.

You then made your way to your shared room, your husband following closely behind. Not long after you both were in your room, getting ready for bed.

You came out of the washroom that was connected with the room only to find your husband laying flat on the bed, not taking in the fact of her presence.

What caught you off-guard was that he was laying on the bed half-naked. Wooyoung didn't mind showing his bare skin because your his wife, nothings wrong about that right?

You shrug it off and slid in the sheets, muttering a quick goodnight to your husband who was laying on the other side of the bed and soon you fell in a deep slumber.


You bolted awake from your sleep, beads of sweat forming on your forehead as your breath hitched.

You just had a nightmare.

Turns out watching a horror film late at night wasn't a good idea at all.

The room was dark. The only source of light was from the window. The moon light peaked from the window into their dim room, making it have an eerie atmosphere. You took your phone which was on the bedside table to check the time. 3:14, the screen displayed.

You turned to see if Wooyoung is there, and he was in a deep slumber.

How could he sleep so peacefully as if he didn't even watch it with me...

The only sound you could hear in the room was yours and your husbands breathing, the air coming from the air conditioner and the sounds of cars outside the busy city.

You tried to go back to sleep, but it didn't work. You shut your eyes for the nth time already, but the fear never went, which kept you awake. You turned on your right, left, not finding a comfortable position.

Wooyoung slurred in his sleep, causing you to look at him. His eyes flluttered open, staring right through his wifes' not-so-calming eyes. He sighed, knowing you probably couldn't sleep.

She's probably regretting watching that horrifying movie by now..but why am I finding this so.. cute?

His left hand snaked around your tiny waist, tugging it for you to come closer. Your body was dangerously close to his, you could feel the warmth from his body.

You placed your hands on his chest as he brought your body closer to his, closing the gap between you both.

For once you were thankful that the room was dark, or else he would've seen your blushed face that looks like a tomato.

On the other side, Wooyoung was smiling, trying awfully bad to wipe it off his face incase you would see how stupidly cute he looked.

"Sleep" he whispered, his eyes were closed as his hands were secured around his wife, who was now finding it easy to slowly drift back to sleep.

Soon you drifted back to sleep. Wooyoung placed a soft peck on your forehead before resting his head right above yours.


Ok I know I've written these kinds of scenarios a few times- but I reallY like how it turned out so...yeah :-



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