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The sound of your heels clicking on the polished clean marble floor echoed through the luxurious, big and spacious lobby of none other than a well known clothing brand company in Korea,

You greeted the staffs— as they did the same, while making your way to the CEO's office.

Your office.

You got in the elevator, and not longer, your secretary dashed towards the elevator you were in just before the door closed. "Running late, hm?" You teased, pressing button number 18 to get to your floor. "Actually, I got in the elevator with you, so technically, I'm not late." The secretary breathed out, trying to keep his form straight and rigid infront of his boss.

"Hm, you're right. We're both earate." You both chuckled, finding the word you just somehow made into existence funny. "Your dictionary, never fails to surprise me, Ms. Y/n." He mocked, his tensed body now relaxing a bit as you both reached the floor level you were both bound to be in.

"Well, you know me Jung. I'm full of surprises. And stop with the honorifics." You walked towards your office, the secretary trailing behind you as he took out his tablet from his bag to re-check your schedules for today.

You took off your soft blue coloured blazer, hanging it on the hook in the corner of the spacious room. You sat down on your chair, and turned towards your secretary who stood there waiting to report your schedules for today.

"There's not much for today, you have a meeting around," he checked his wrist watch, "11:25am with the designing team for our upcoming winter project, a little dinner date with Hwaseong company, check the projects team 2 have been working on and-"

"--and be there for a photoshoot with none other than the GOATs, Choi Jongho and Kim Hyemi." You finished it off, cutting his speech at the process. He clasped his hands infront and nodded.

"That's it for today, I'll be going now, Ms. Y/n." He bowed and made his way out of your office— of course, after giving you a big and energetic wave to start off your day. You laughed and did the exact same thing, making him smile in victory.

"And again, drop the honorifics!"

"I will, if you try harder!"

Secretary Jung, or also known as Jung Wooyoung, is more like a friend to you than a colleague. He's been there ever since you got appointed as the CEO for your family's business. When you became the CEO, your father had actually gave you permission to choose your own secretary, thinking it would make you feel more comfortable at work with someone you feel okay with. But Wooyoung was more than okay, and he proved that your decision for choosing him was the best decision you've ever made. At work, he'd treat you just like who you're supposed to be, but after working hours, he'd treat you like a little sister— or a best friend who he's been friends with for years! —which, he is and vice versa. His presence in the building not only makes you comfortable, but safer too. You don't feel lonely whenever he's there, with you. And you feel like you want to give the whole world to him to thank him for being there for you, even at the hardest times.

You owned the title not too long ago, and that was when you were barely in your third year of college! At first, you thought it wasn't a good idea of taking the position, but throughout these years, you got accustomed to being a CEO. After all, it was your job to make your parents proud, and you'd do anything for them.

Today, your schedule was quiet short— was cut short, to be specific. Since special clients are coming today, you decided to go to their activities and hopefully interact with them. After all, one of the Chois are coming. The Sagwa company, was also a big company, one of's alliance. The CEO and his wife are great friends with your parents, giving you opportunities to meet them once in awhile during lunch since they come visit your family frequently. Their son, however, did not follow his parents steps. Instead, he's a rising model which every clothing brand that exists, swoon over. His looks...don't get me started about his looks. Those big doe eyes, the button nose, soft and plumpy pink lips, sharp jawline, a charismatic yet soft and delicate features— he had a look of a soft and fluffy bear, who couldn't harm a fly— well his muscular body says otherwise.

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