|84| ~New World Order~

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Hey, love bugs. I hope all is well. Before you dive into the chapter I want to mention some things that I noticed by reading the comments and yes I do read the comments, every single one of them. For starters, I realized that some of you are confused with the timing of this story. Please, remember that this book connects with Book 1 that's why it is extremely important to read the first book before you start this one and in doing so you will start to connect some of the dots. Although, I will acknowledge that it has been a while since the first one was published so I take full responsibility for most of your confusion.

With that being said, I'm going to point out a few key points starting with the recent chapters that have been posted.

For starters, the setting is placed around the battle with the council that Claire and Nick dealt with at the end of Book 1. If you don't remember I highly recommend you reread the last few chapters in Book 1. Secondly, Cyrus is currently overseas and Embry is in North America, so yes it's a major time-lapse that's why his POV of their communication during her time of need took place a few chapters after she reached out to him.

I hope that sheds some insight as you continue to read the final chapters, Enjoy!

Now, dive in.

Embry's POV.

The collective of us, along with a new selective group of others are now occupying The Great Hall inside the bunker, designed for emergency matters as such.

As a whole the emotions inside of this space can be projected as grim and reap, none of us truly want to accept defeat. Although, based upon our current circumstances that's what it feels like.


We are facing defeat.

I quietly sit back and take in the dire state that we all are in at the moment. Shirtless Gutter Butter is sitting closely beside Speck on the other side of the hall, who equally looks like she has been through hell. I  can see deeply inflicted claw marks soiling Gutter Butter once glistening and typically golden skin. My eyes then move to watch Anastasia as she tends to the crimson-eyed vampire by the name of Count Cloven's wounds. Anastasia herself has fresh bandages covering the open wounds that I can detect all over her body. It's troublesome for me to truly take her in. She's way too precious and pure. She shouldn't have to endure the type of pain that came along with those scars.

Now,  I hate to admit this but I'm not that concerned about Count Cloven. Mainly because I'm not too sure about him. There is something about him that's not sitting too well with me.

In all honesty, I'm not so sure that he can be trusted and neither is my wolf, but it's more than obvious that the feeling of doubt is mutual judging by the way that he watches me back with unconcealed interest.

He doesn't trust me either, yet he is also just as curious about me as I am about him.  However, right now isn't the time to play games of figuring one another out.

We have bigger fish to fry. With that thought, my eye's next travel to evaluate my mate's kin that attended the ball. All of which have made it out alive. Starting with Akoto Ettore, who is currently standing by the door while having a silent heated debate with Cyrus's other cousin Roman Ettore. They are arguing about what we should or should not do next. Roman, sister Romana Ettore is sitting down at the table drinking some hot liquid that smells like a mixture of blood and green tea. She looks lost in her own thoughts with every sip that she takes with this fuming expression on her face and blood splattered all over her.

My cousin Celine touches my hand by accident as she sits down beside me. She just got back from checking on Ghost Falls as a  favor to me. Ghost downright refused to leave Aunt Katherine all alone by herself in the other room and I couldn't do anything but understand.

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