|83| ~Deadly Poison~

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Cyrus's POV.

"Alec," Claires overly excitedly states as she pulls the human boy into her arms. He hesitates for just a second but then so foolishly returns the hug and I swear on the blood God himself that it takes everything out of me not to rip him into tiny little pieces right then and there.

"Thank God that you're okay," Claire says as she slightly pulls away from him. Her electrifying green eyes are beaming with concern as she evaluates him for any sign of injuries, like a lioness would do to her cub and that action alone makes it more than obvious that she cares for him more than she should.

Okay, that's a lie. It's more than obvious that she cares for him, which actually kind of makes me feel ten times better about killing him because death by me shall be quick.

Now, death by Nicklaus on the other hand won't be so generous. He will kill him slowly.

I watch the boy like a hawk as he pulls Claire back into his arms in a hurry, which also, makes it more than obvious that he cares for her more than he should and that's when I decide that it is time to intervene.

They have said their good-byes now it's time for him to die.

"Get away from her," I spit as I push the pathetic human away from Claire while still holding onto Lady Akasha in the process. Without a second thought, I grab onto Claire as well just because I know that she will attempt to stop the inevitable.

"What the hell Cyrus? Explain yourself?" she pushes me away, doing exactly what I knew she was going to do.

"He cannot be trusted. Princess Daniela freed many of our enemies before the attack started. He was one of them," I explain in a hurry and it takes less than a second before my words sink in.

I can literally feel Claire's bewilderment throughout our bond as she attempts to come up with any sort of explanation to defend his actions and as soon as she realizes that she can not she decides to confront the pathetic little human her self.

She steps from behind me, seconds away from demanding an explanation when the awful smell of royal dog invades my senses.

Of course, a Lycan would come for me just to meet its death eventually I think to myself before I once again push Claire behind me while crouching down in a defensive stance readying myself from any incoming assault.

Nicklaus's headache of a mother takes our moment of distraction as her cue to make her grand escape, causing Claire to attempt to stop her, but luckily for Lady Akasha. Claire shall not leave my sight, especially now that someone let the royal mutt into the Palace.

"What the fuck are you doing? She will warn them of my gift," Claire snaps as I yank her up by her arm, preventing Claire from breaking free.

"Then how about you go after her, half-breed Queen," says the royal mutt, gaining Claire's attention.

Surprise, surprise, surprise, not! It's Rollin! The royal mutt, personally lap dog!

Ha! Ha! Ha! That's funny. A dog has another dog as a pet. Anywho, let's get this over with.

My blazing red eyes lock onto his glowing amethyst ones and I can all but feel his disgust.

Great. The feeling is mutual.

"What the fuck do you want? Rollin," I hiss, not bothering to hide my distaste.

"Where is the Wilde Wolf?" he has the balls to say, officially taking me there.

My monstrous growl fills the air as a response to the mutt's question, causing him to brace himself for upcoming attacks, as he should.

He's dead.

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