|57| ~A Midnight Swim ~

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Hey, love Bugs. Are you ready for some smut? If so, I suggest that you head over to The Awakening Private Chapters right after you place your swim attire on and then dive in. Warning: There is a little naughty action at the end of this chapter. So If you don't like Smut, don't read past the (second border.) You have been warned.


Embry's POV.


For what seems like an eternity of time, we just sit on top of the hood of the car, star gazing and I silently enjoy every second of it.

It's a cold winter night but the calm silence and energy in the air make my blood boil in an electrifying blistering peace and it's all because of him, Cyrus. My heart and soul.

Once again, he has proving to be exactly what I need, especially after everything that has recently transpired. Cyrus always seems to know exactly what to do when it comes to calming me.

My eyes lock onto the hanging moon and sky filled with a million and one star-like diamonds. It's so beautiful out here.

"The perfect time to mate," says my wolf. " I always wondered how it would feel to mate underneath the gleaming light of the full moon,"

"So have I," I silently agree.

"Then let's get to it," she responds. "Just get naked,"


"You heard her," Cyrus adds in, setting my face on flames. "Just get naked,"

My heart drops, stops, and flips flops inside my chest as my eyes widen in response, but somehow I still manage to do the unthinkable.

Out of nowhere, I experience a rush of sudden bravery. I take a stand, snatch my leather jacket from off my back, and somehow find my way out of Cyrus over-sized clothes. Yes! I did that. I decided to get naked.

For the first time, since we met Cyrus is now the one staring at me with widened eyes and I can see the exact moment that reality kicks in to his irises. The very moment that his monster takes over, now hawking me down with ruby red eyes....

He's mentally taking me in.

Here I stand in my naked glory in front of my frozen in place mate, who now happens to be staring at me with the eye of a predator that is seconds away from pouncing on top of his prey.

His eyes slowly roam over my entire body, silently drinking me in. He wants me. There isn't any doubt about that and I want him.

"L-e-t-'sssssgeeeetttttoooooitttttttttthennnn," I begin to stutter, choking on the tip of my tongue. My words are muffled, completely mushed.

That one statement is all it takes. He pounces.


"Don't tease me, my little beloved. The plan was to take it slow with you, but this type of behavior will make me do exactly what I really want to do to you," moans out my mate as he pushes his body into my body, bumping our bodies.

We're so close I can feel his breath blowing against my skin. "And what do you want to do with me," I breathe.

Taking it slow does sound nice, but Cyrus having his way with me sounds better. Cyrus smile and that action let's me know that he is listening to thoughts that are running wild inside of my head.

"Very well then," my mate responds to my thoughts out loud. Within a heartbeat, I'm in his arms and my naked body is being ambushed by his bare hands. My body is also pressed up against his ford tough frame.

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