|61| ~The Grand Entrance ~

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Embry's POV.

The toy soldiers open the door for us and almost immediately I'm blinded by flashing lights. There is a sea of unfamiliar faces, watching us for a far and taking pictures of every step that we take. A humongous gold gate on the left side of the field is the only thing that separates us from them.

Our security detail is tight and extremely threatening if you ask me. The big serious men with big packing guns wearing identical black and red uniforms waste no time forming a protective circle around us all, Speck, Ghost Falls and my furry little friend included.

His creamy white fur is a great contrast with the snow as his paws pounce on top of it and his tiny little nose is pointed towards the air like he owns this place. Oh, my Goddess! He has more confidence than me.

My wolf must have gone into my inner wolf den because I can't feel her presence, but I know that she is there, silently scanning the crowd for any potential threat.

My eyes travel in the direction of the golden gate. There are also more toy soldiers stationed outside of it, riding on top of big and scary black horses, appearing to control the crowd. They are all just as threatening as our security detail, if not more and the guns that they are carrying are much bigger than our private security detail guns.

Oh, wow!

This entire experience is threatening to the point that my heart feels like it's about to drop from out of my chest, down onto the flawless bed of white snow. Cyrus' hand gives mine an assuring squeeze, once again calming me.

That one action gives me the courage to walk forward, even though I can sense a significant shift in his mood.

The calm, cool, and collected demeanor that he demonstrated last night is replaced with a more serious, threatening, and on-guard demeanor. The force of his monster's powerful energy radiated off him. To the others, I know that he appears intimidating and threatening but I, on the other hand, feel well protected and safe.

His expression is hard, possessive, and masked but there is a tiny hint of amusements that reflects on the small smile curving his lips, which is only meant for me. The cocky little Greek God is smiling because he knows the effect that he has over me. Oh, my Goddess!

My eyes lock onto a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering red monument with a pyramid ending that almost touches the sky. The building is standing in its glory directly behind the crowd. It is such a sight to behold.

"Wow," I mumble underneath my breath as I take it all in.

"That my love is the Ettore Monument. I'll take you there to visit before we leave, but right now I need you to focus on entering the house safely," Cyrus whispers into my ear before he pulls me towards the Red House.

The wind blows as we draw closer. It's a little chilly outside but not as cold as it was up North. If I didn't know any better, I would think that it was a cold Autumn day, but the field of white ice and frosted-covered pine trees says differently. Winter has come and doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon.

A chopping noise begins to flow along with the whistling sound of the wind. I raise my head towards the sky and come in contact with yet another helicopter that is (identical) to the one that we just got off, circling the estate. Cyrus doesn't seem to be phased by it, meaning that the pilot is most likely one of our men.

My eyes wander onto the darkening gray sky. It appears to be a storm on the horizon but for some strange reason, that seems to do nothing but enhance the scenery. Overall, this city is nothing but a haunting beauty.

"Smile, Em Gem!" my sensitive ears detects Speck's soft-spoken words as she looks in the direction of a million and one flashing light. "Trust me! You will thank me later,"

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