|72| ~Heartbreaking Goodbyes~

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Cyrus POV.

So, it's settled then.

We're leaving right away to attend the feast of brother's in Nicklaus, Kingdom. After that, we'll answer the bull shit ass summons...

Then finally, I'm done.

I'm done with all of them for good...

End of story or at least I wish it was that simple.

Luscious and I have been arguing for what seems like hours now because I denounced my claim to the throne, and if it wasn't for my aunt Katherine intervening with our little dispute. I'm one hundred percent positive that one of us would have been dead by now.

That's exactly why aunt Katherine advised that Embry should return to our master bedroom because things were getting a little too bloody. Plus, my poor little beloved was looking like she was about to have a nervous breakdown and that's something that I couldn't have. To be quite candid, that's exactly why I didn't want Embry around Luscious in the first place. He always had this bad habit of making everyone around him, feel sick to their stomach.

He's just that fucking annoying, especially when he's mad and right now he's big mad.

He's livid.

Anyway, Luscious, my aunt, and I are still in my private study, and Luscious and I are still arguing.

Yeah, I know! Fucking ridiculous. How I so badly wish that I can make my dear ole auntie disappear for just a second?!

So I can end his ass.

"So that's it, huh," ask Luscious for yet what seems to be the thousandth time. "You're just going to give up everything you worked for... everything we worked for just because we disapprove of your new little pet,"

"If you disrespect my queen one more time I promise you that it shall be your last time doing anything," my monster snaps, and this time he means it. I mean it.

I had it up to here with my so-called brother!

"Yeah... Yeah... Yeah... You ain't going to do shit,"

"Luscious!" bellows Aunt Katherine.

"Yeah, Luscious!" I taunt.

"Cyrus!," Aunt Katherine snaps at me next while jumping up from her seat on the couch, "I had it up to here! Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves,"

"He started it," pouts Luscious. He's such a little bitch.

"Cyrus Ettore The Third, if you say one more curse word out loud, or in your head, I'm gonna wash your mouth out with soap after making you choke on your own saliva," warns my aunt as she glares at me. She looks furious and now I'm the one to pout.

"Now," says Aunt Katherine as she makes her way towards the middle of the room with a click of heels with every step she takes. "We've been here for only Blood God's know how long and neither of you has displayed any sort of qualities of a king. As far as I'm concerned you both should be giving up your crowns," she says as she looks over Luscious and me momentary.

Then she walks from the center of the room to stand by the window. Her face is inscrutable, which only means one thing. She's thinking and whenever my aunt is thinking she happens to be a concrete wall. I've always admired that quality about her while I was growing up. She's never been easy to read and she has mastered the art of playing it cool in a heated room.

I guess that's one quality that I will never be able to adapt from her and most likely never well.

Luscious also seems to be lost in his own thoughts and he too has mastered the art of hiding his emotions whenever he wants to.

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora