|17|~Duty Calls~

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Embry POV.

"Kaya should be headed in your direction as well. She demanded to partake in the war," she says, officially sending ice cycles to my soul.

No! No! No!

"Uncle Maddox was totally against it of course," Celine continues to yap off. "But she quickly managed to persuade him. I've never been so proud of her."

"No," I scream inside of Celine's head. "Mind-link with her now. Tell them to cease attack at once." My heart is pounding so loud I can hear the pace of the beat. The world around me is spinning. My wolf once again is clawing to get out.

"Embry, it's okay," she starts to attempt to calm me down. "The bloodsucker King will not see it coming. He will fall."

Oh, no he won't. They have no idea what they have signed up for.

My family's overconfidence never ceases to amaze me. Freaking, unbelievable!

"It's not just one bloodsucker king that they have to worry about, it's three." My wolf growls. "The Cold-Hearted King is present and The King Of All Vampire Kings is present. They are all in danger." I inform her.

My wolf's announcement provokes an audible silence. I know the information that I provided Celine with is a lot to take in. No, scratch that! Just a single thought about having to face one of the Kings is enough to have any wolf shaking like a leaf.

So imagine how it feels to learn that you are up against three that's enough to scare any wolf to death.

I don't have to be in Celine's presence to know that she is currently smacking her forehead with her right hand over and over again, just like how she doesn't need to be here beside me to know that I'm currently biting my bottom lip.

That's what we do when were worried, frustrated, or flustered. The both of us knows each other well enough to know that.

I also know that's she mad at the fact that I cursed at her. Well, she's not really made at me per se, more like she's mad at my wolf. I can practically feel her white as snow wolf growling lowly at my wolf.

Celine is my favorite but she is still a Wilde. She absolutely hates to be challenged, and she is competitive by nature. It doesn't really bother me. I know that she can't help it but her attitude sometimes tend to piss off my wolf.

"If you don't stop biting your bottom lip your going to leave small puncture marks," teases Celine, and I slightly giggle. I told you that she knows me.

"Are you done beating up your forehead," I tease back.

"For now," she responds with a deep sigh.

Another moment of audible silence passes between the two of us before Celine decides to speak up again.

"I can't reach anyone," Celine reports in a whisper. "The amount of silver that they used must have shut down some of their senses."

Silver? How much silver did they inject into their selves. "Where is aunt Elena," I start to panic. "Maybe she can reach them. She's a lot older than you. Maybe she can reach them."

"She has Jenkins," informs Celine in a rush.
I don't want to tell her. You know how she is. She will panic."

She's right. Aunt Elena will most certainly go under cardiac arrest if she knows how big of a threat Kaya was actually facing.

"What about Aunt Elena mate," I question. "Uncle Jacob,"

He is Aunt Elena second chance mate and Kaya's dad. He's a warrior wolf, but most of the times he says on Pack Ground during attacks. Aunt Elena made him promise that he won't go off to war, unless it's necessary. Well, Kaya tagging along to declare war is certainly a necessary reason for him to run off to war.

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