|9|~ Run Embry Run~

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Embry POV.

Goddess no! My mate cannot be the ruthless vampire king.

Goddess no... Goddess, Goddess, No! There is no way on this Goddess green earth that The Ruthless Vampire King was created for me.

Almost instantly, guilt consumes me. Who the hell do I think I am to question My Goddess? So, what if I'm paired with a vampire...

So what if he is rumored to be a Ruthless King? I should be grateful. Not every wolf is blessed to encounter their mate in this day in time.

I've prayed to my Goddess for guidance and she hasn't only answered my prayers but also delivered my mate and savior. He may be known as a Ruthless King, whose hands have been covered in blood. But some rumors are just rumors. Right? I don't know.

I can only speak about what I know, which is absolutely nothing. Besides, the fact that Cyrus's hands feel like a gift from my Goddess Herself. They are rough, like a warrior wolf but his touch is soft like a freshly newborn pup buttock, smooth and gentle like a soft breeze.

Who's to say that he's even ruthless at all? Out of all the species in this world, I should know better than to judge a book by its cover. Shame on you, Embry... Shame on me!

That's not the Goddess way.

"Were the Wilde Wolves dealt with," Cyrus questions, making my ears perk up and zone back into their conversation." What does he mean by dealt with?

"My apologies, sire. They got away. I've sent some of my best men to hunt and track them down. Don't worry, we will find them."

"Yes, we shall indeed," Cyrus voice tone is penetrating. I don't like the hint of animosity that I can identify or the tone of his voice. When we were alone I compared Cyrus's voice to a siren singing, inviting, and warm. Now, he sounds like a tiger hissing, loud and threatening.

"So far we picked up their scents heading south," the male vampire continues to report. "We believe they are going back to The Northern Pack Territory."

"Of course, they are," the female vampire interrupts them. I almost forgot that she was here. "If the dog bitch got word to the pack of mutts, I'm certain that she has informed them that she managed to escape. All of the dogs will roam to the city and their territory to greet her. From my understanding, The Northern Pack Alpha is a Wilde Wolf."

How do they know so much about my kind?

"Hmm you're correct," My mate praises and the contents inside of my stomach start to churn. Call me crazy, but I feel like I can feel his mood just by listening to him. My father always said some mates can feel what their mate feels through their bond, by touching them, and in some rare cases. Just by the sound of their voice.

Now surely this happens over time. Like my father also used to say Rome wasn't built in a day. So maybe, I am going crazy because there's no way that I can identify anything concerning my mate this soon.

We just met. I barely know him. Honestly, I don't know him at all. Yes, it's official, I'm insane.

"We also found a hunter on the Far-East-Side of the forest. What would you like for us to do with him?" The male questions him about Forrest. They wouldn't hurt him, would they? He may have kidnapped me but he also saved my life. Surely, my mate would be grateful and spare his life in return.

"Is he alive," Cyrus responds coldly. Please, let him be alive! Please, let him be alive!

"Yes, he is." Thank Goddess! "For now," the male just had to add in.

"Good," says Cyrus. Awe. My heart swells. He will spare his life. I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!

The rumor about him being this raging monster, who's extremely eager to spill blood, was a bunch of old wolves' tales. We wolves are a little over dramatic. We are part animal and part human. So, I believe it's safe to say that our imaginations can run a little wilder than most.

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