|93| ~ Operation Task Force~

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Embrys POV.

Behind these Hazel eyes 👁️  in media

"He did what!" my wolf growls so got darn loud, I swear to Goddess I think the house might come crashing down, and I don't blame her at all. Cyrus has officially crossed all boundaries.

Abigail just officially gave my wolf and me the 4-1-1. She spilled all tea. I know everything, and when I say everything I mean everything. From, how my so-called mate attacked the secret society, captured all of my loved ones, and if that wasn't enough he also nearly drained Speck to the brink of death! Speck, out of all people! Speck, she is family to us. She is family to him.

How could he? The audacity of that man. He has officially lost his marbles! He has lost his ever-lasting mind.

We're done! So, so, so done! That piece of sh-

"Embry, your eyes," Abigail breaks my train of thought. She staring at me with those big and beautiful ocean blue eyes in complete shock. I can hear her heart pounding, nearly jumping out of her chest. My eyelids slam shut as I leap up from off the couch. My wolf is pacing back in forth inside of me. She's pissed, beyond the point of livid. She wants blood.

His blood. She wants our so-called mate head on a platter, sunnyside up.

"How dare he?" lowly growls my wolf, as I begin to pace back in fourth.

Abigail just continues to sit, silently watching us with wide eyes. She begins to play with the heam of her thick, cream oversized cashmere sweater and that's when I realize that we're making her nervous again.

On that note, I attempt to calm my wolf. Now, is not the time to draw attention to her lethal and extremely overprotective vampire beloved. To be quite honest, I'm surprised that he hasn't burst back into the room by now. I'm still in disbelief that the two of them are a pair. It's just way too ironic.

During our conversation, Abigail also informed me all about her mating. Apparently, The Commander was already aware of their pairing. However, he wanted to tie up some loose ends before he could fully be committed to her. So, that's why she wasn't aware. He then valued, to never leave her again. He promised to love and protect her, regardless of her species.

The end. Their love story is so simply sweet.

I'm so happy for her. As a human slave, I'm sure that Abigail has been through hell and back and then some.

She is such a sweet girl. She deserves some happiness to shine light onto her sweet soul.

On the other hand, Cyrus and my love story is a completely different story. It's just freaking hell!

A star-crossed loved doomed from the very beginning. I don't know why I ever thought we could work. He ruined us. Eh. I'm over it! I'm over him.

"I'm over it," I say, after a second. "He has no respect for me, or my wishes," I vent.

"So what are you going to do about," asks Abigail after a while. The absence of my wolf presence must have placed her back at ease. She pops up from the couch and walks over to me. "Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not an expert about how the vampire and beloved bond work, but I do know that vampires will do anything in their power to protect their partner, regardless of how mad they may be," she tells me. "In their eyes, we can do no wrong,"

Yeah, right! "Well, I guess my mate missed that part," I confess. He doesn't love me like that.

"No, that's what he want's you to believe, Embry," she schools me. "It is said that a beloved is ever vampire weakness, especially a vampire King. We have the power to bring them to their knees," she grins. "You just have to learn how to use the power you possess over him, use the bond that you share to gain an advantage," she advises me with a wink.

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