|52|~ You Are Dead To Me~

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King Nicklaus Estate

"Someone's overthinking," agitates Marcellus, trying his very best to get underneath my skin.

Have you ever met a vampire version of a headache? Marcellus would be mine.

He has been annoying the fuck out of me during the entire ride back to Nicklaus estate, as we were walking through the door into Nicklaus estate and now walking up the staircase inside of Nicklaus estate. There are no limits of annoyance that he can't reach.

He's like an itch that I can't scratch, or more like a pebble in my combat boots that I just can't get rid of. Mural of the story, is that Marcellus is an annoyingly little fuck and he knows it but I'm desperately trying to ignore him. At the moment, I've got way bigger fish to fry, Marcellus dire need to drive me crazy is the last thing I'm worried about. However, Marcellus is Marcellus, and he lives for the need to provoke me.

"Clear your mind," he says. "You've got to walk into this with a clear head, no fangs blazing just yet." Finally, he says something with some sense.

I'm just about to turn around and tell him, good job Marcellus. Welcome to the life of an adult when the fool decides to open his mouth again. "Unless you want to get your ass whipped," he says loud and clear, earning some sneaky snickers from some of my security detail in the process.

I give them one look. Then, boom! There goes silences.

"For what it's worth, I do understand your point of view. I mean if my best friend tried to kill my beloved I'll be one pissed off vampire too. I'll want to rip his bloody heart out of his chest, snatch out his arms out of the socket and then off with his head. Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"So I get it," he says, while patting my back.

"Don't touch me," I snap.

"Hey, don't get snappy with me Cyrus the virus,"

My eyes narrow in his direction, coming in contact with him holding up the both of his hands all in the name of mock surrender. "Hey It's okay," he says. "We all have our bad days," he smirks.

"I get it! I get it! I get it, but you are the bad guy now and you know what happens to bad guys don't you," he asks with a sheepish grin. You know what! I'm going back to ignoring him. That's my best defense.

"Do ya? Do ya? Do ya," he further provokes. Oh. Dear, blood God! Please, come save me! I mentally pray as we finally reach the top of the staircase. "What you're gonna to do, what you're gonna to do when they come for you, bad vamp, bad vamp,"

"Shut the fuck up, Marcellus," I finally snap again. Fuck! He's annoying.

"Okay, brody," he fakes innocence. Again. It's a never ending cycle. "All you had to do was ask," he says, as we reach the door to Nicklaus private study and one of his men opens the door for the two of us to enter.

Of course, Nicklaus isn't here yet. He's never on time and just loves to make a grand entrance. I nod at my man by the name of Adex, mentally giving him the okay to wait outside the door.

We don't need any outsiders around as we discuss our current situation. This is between me and Nicklaus. I don't need my men for this bull shit. It's personal. Besides, the only reason that any of my men are here is because Gutter suggested that I bring them with me, especially Adex. He's one of Gutter close friends. They share a brother bond their selves, and Adex has a gift where he can see through the eyes of Gutter if need be.

So, it's like having a personal nanny cam on my Sunshine. That's another reason why I agreed.

"No! But seriously, though," Marcellus annoying as voice draws me back in as I take a seat. He immediately grabs a bottle of Good-ole Jack from the bar and then begins to pull a couple of drinks. "I really do understand your point of view Cyrus but I also understand Nicklaus,"

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें