|10|~I'll Follow~

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Cyrus POV.

Before Embry Escapes.

My beloved is an interesting character.

I found it hilarious that she doesn't seem to know exactly who I am.

I'm the King of this continent. Fucking priceless!

We have only been in one another's presence for a short while and I've already concluded that she has a horrible judge of character. Really, fucking horrible! For example, she has automatically let her guard down with me. I hope that's she not one of those love-at-first-sight types of girls.

This is the real world and it doesn't work like that in the real world.

Embry seems to trust me and the world knows that she shouldn't.

She doesn't even seem to fear me, even though she should. She confidently trusts in me and she shouldn't. Embry doesn't have the slightest clue of who I am. She trusts in our union. All because the Blood God and the Moon Goddess decided to come together and play a cruel joke on both of us.

It bothers me that she doesn't have her guard up. She shouldn't easily trust, or talk to strangers. Shit like that can get her killed.

That thought alone, pisses me off.

Every time, I ask her questions she answers them with honesty, just like right now. Her innocence is sickly sweet.

She is telling me how she believes the hunter saved her life.  He was the one who pulled her out of the burning hut that I found. I know that she is not lying. That would explain why her scent was all over him and I don't know how to feel about that.

My mind just keeps picturing her helpless body, clinging to that filth of a hunter like a second skin. The image won't get out of my head. Fuck, it's driving me insane. I made up my mind. I don't like it at all. Not one bit, I should have been the one to save her.

You're the one who almost killed her. My monster reminds me in the back of my head.

Oh, fuck up!

Now, I'm pissed off more. Strangely enough, Embry seems to notice my frustration and immediately starts to explain herself to me. I don't know how to feel about that either.

She should never explain herself to anyone and I hate the fact that she knows I'm upset.

I'm a closed book in real life. No one has ever been able to easily read me.

Except Embry, she has only been in my arms for 10 minutes or so and you would think that she has read my entire life story. The way she can pick up on my emotions is strange. No one has ever been able to do that. I feel like she can see right through me and I don't know how to feel about that either.

She knows I'm jealous without my monster presenting himself. Most vampires' blazing red eyes reveal their emotions. I'm not one of those vampires. I've mastered the art of masking and hiding my emotions. It's a part of my games. You'll never know if I'm your friend or foe.

Ravana isn't even able to identify what's going on inside of my head. She hates that she can't read me. Fuck, this is annoying as fuck.

My mind is made up. I don't like that shit either.

"My hut was on fire and he rescued me, I think." Embry hesitantly explains to me. She bats her long, nice, and full eyelashes. Then, slightly pokes her bottom lip out, looking puzzled and adorable.

Hold up, adorable! I don't believe anything is adorable. Only, a person who believes in unicorns, finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and all of that sugary sweet bullshit says things like Adorable! Furthermore, I'm a vampire.

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