|68| ~ An Important Business Matter ~

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Cyrus POV.
Luscious in media.

During, Cyrus's brief departure.

My mating night has been hell and it turns out that I will soon have to pay the price for all my sins.

Sike, but I have surely been delivered to evil.

Instead of enjoying my beloved on what's supposed to be the happiest night of our lives, I've been forced to deal with a lot of hellish situations.

For starters, I have been annoyingly entertained by no one other than, Count Clown. Yes, he's here and he decided to bring the whole got damn entire circus along with him. This fool had the audacity to march on my territory to demand that I sign some got damn peace treaty between Lycans, Werewolves, and us Kings.

Now, don't get me wrong I did indeed read the treaty, just out of pure curiosity and I'm glad that I did because it turns out that the treaty will be extremely beneficial, especially where Embry and I are involved, and I must it admit that it took me by surprise once I read it. Claire's doing I suppose because it's no way that I'll ever believe that either of my so-called brothers could have ever come up with anything of the sort.

More pacifically, the part concerning the matter of a vampire king and a member from the werewolves, or Lycan community having to honor the treaty by sealing the deal with a union and I'm most certainly sure that, that was all Claire.


It appears that Claire is queen material after all and I owe her one, again. So, I will sign the treaty maybe tomorrow, the day after, or maybe the day after that. I don't know. I'll sign when I feel like it and that's exactly what I told Count Clown.

Who the hell does he think that he is to demand that I do anything? Fucking, clown but that was just the first of my ticket ride to hell.

After, that I was once again forced to deal with a clown and his circus performance, who happens to be my third, fourth, or maybe fifth cousin I don't know. His relation by blood doesn't matter to me and never did. Blood doesn't make you family, loyalty does and this unloyal piece of shit so sadly thought that he could disrespect my beloved.

Can you say tortured? Literally.

Overall, that matter was dealt with quite quickly, if I do say so myself, and let's just say that he won't be around to visit the family on the holidays for a very long time.

Once, that nightmare was over I was finally making my way back to my beloved while thinking about what I was gonna do to her sweet little body tonight when suddenly an intense pain in my chest, or more like ass roared throughout my entire body, and nope it wasn't Marcellus.

It's Luscious. He's here, coincidentally and it sucks. Out of all days, he decides to just stroll through my territory, unannounced. He never does that. Ever.

This is why I have to deal with him, unfortunately. It's a part of our King's code of conduct if one of our brothers enters our territory unannounced that we have to deal with them right away just in case it's an emergency.

So, here I stand currently in one of my private studies dealing with him.

"I don't approve of your choice of bride," spits out Luscious the very moment that he takes a seat in one of the many black leather chairs in my office like I give a fuck.

"Who gives a flying fuck what you do, or do not approve of?" I harshly spit out back before he could say anything else. "Now, why are you really here? Don't you have more pressing matters to attend to, like the summons?" I change the subject as quickly and swiftly as possible only because I don't have the time or patience to argue about my beloved.

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