|7|~Never Have I Ever ~

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Embry POV.

The hairs on the back of my neck start to rise and my survival instincts come crashing down when the two big and very scary-looking vampires come into view.

In my entire 100 years of living never have I ever come face to face with a vampire and now that I have. I will pray every single night to the Moon Goddess that never will I ever have to come in contact with their species, ever again.

If I somehow manage to make it out of this life-threatening situation alive, that is.

Their intentions are very clear as both of their eyes rank over my entire body and lick their lips as if they have starved for days, and suddenly been rewarded with a Holy meal. I'm supposed to be a predator. I'm a wolf for Goddess's sake!

At this moment, I'm the exact opposite. I feel like a hyena that accidentally ran into a lion's den. I feel like the zebra who is now captured and seconds away from being consumed by the cheetah after a long chase. I feel like a wild dog who is seconds away from being dragged to the top of a tree by a leopard. How ironic?

From their big and bright glowing red eyes to their sharp and massive claws, all the way down to their long, pointy, and glistening teeth, I mean fangs! That has been certainly made to grip, rip, and kill their prey.

To sum it all up, at this moment I am the prey.

They are the predators and everything surrounding this moment in time tells that this is the part when the predator captures and consumes its prey.

The end.

My wolf is howling within, begging me to make a run for it. However, my human side is too afraid.

"Now, what do we have here," hisses one of the vampires as my back comes in contact with a tree. This can't be real! First, I almost perish in a fire. Then, I'm kidnapped by a hunter and now I'm being ambushed by two vampires. The irony!

The more I evaluate my current situation the more I start to panic. My breathing becomes more rapid and shallow. My heart is running a marathon inside of my chest. I can feel my ribs haul up as if they are being squeezed to death with silver ropes, straining to inflate my lungs.

"Alone dog," says the other vampire. "The bitch looks like she is having a panic attack and we haven't had a taste."

"Please, I don't want any trouble," I somehow manage to speak.

As they get closer, my heart beats louder. "Don't beg dog," one of the vampires bares its teeth into a sneer. He's now standing directly in front of me. "You're dead either way,"

In a swift movement, my air supply is officially cut while he lifts me in the air by my throat. His claws dig deep into my skin, drawing blood. My feet are dangling, inches away from the ground and my visions start to blur.

He wastes no time plunging his fangs into my neck, forcing me to release a loud cry of agony and a top of the lung's ear-splitting scream. It feels like a needle has been plunged into my lungs bringing forth the true experience of never-ending pain.

Never have I ever endured anything of the sort. The pain is blinding. My wolf cries within me howl within. The vampire greedily takes gallons of my blood. Claiming, my life with his bite. Soon, I realize the worst is yet to come.

The sharp and intense pain feels like a scorching hot blade being plunged into my neck followed by a rush of scorching fire burning with my flesh screaming louder and the next thing I know is another set of sharp, point, scorching hot fangs being plunged into one of my dangling arms.

The vampires are sucking me dry in a united front. All I can do is scream. For what seems like hours they hungrily suck, draining me, and then suddenly the wind whooshes around me.

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