|15|~The Werewolves Are Coming~

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Embry POV.

As on Que, all hell break's loose. Vampires are running from out of the airport dragging their humans behind them by their leashes. I don't know if they are running towards us, or are running away in general. All I know is that millions of vampires are running, resembling bees swarming from out of a beehive when it is knocked down from off the top of a tree.

It's absolutely, nerve-racking.

My heart rate increases in speed, beating uncontrollably.

"They have breached the City," says Marko, as he approaches Cyrus. Who has breached the city?

"Get her to safety," barks my mate as he hands me over to one of his Toy Soldiers. What? He can't be serious. He can't possibly be thinking about leaving me.

"No," I start to scream and attempt to break free from the toy soldier holding me. "You can't leave me,"

My attempt is useless. The toy soldier is restraining me with ease.

"Take her back to my penthouse," he orders and ignores me. "Marko, you are to escort and protect her by any means necessary."

I'm still going crazy, trying my absolutely best to break free. "Even if you have to protect her from herself," Cyrus barks louder, and then he's gone, just like that he disappears.

Meanwhile, I'm still going crazy like a mad woman inside of the Toy Soldiers arms.

"Cut it out," says the toy soldier who's restraining me.

"Let me go,"

"Put the bitch to sleep," hisses another toy soldier as the one that's holding me shoves me in the back of one of the SUV.

I continue to kick and scream. I'm seconds away from clawing my way out of this.

My wolf starts to panic within me. She's seconds away from breaking free. The neglect from our mate is slowly driving her to the brink of insanity. He's supposed to be here with us. It's danger on the horizon. We can sense it. Something big is about to go down.

The other door opens and the vampire by the name of Marko slides in. By the look of things, he's just as unhappy about being here with me as I'm unhappy about him being here with him, despite his good looks.

I just want my mate.

The moment he shuts the door the truck speeds off. He pulls out a gun and sits it directly onto his lap, gaining my attention and completely silencing me.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, either way you're going to calm the fuck down and tell me exactly who you are," he growls a time and my wolf growls at him inside of my head.


Which ever one of the toy soldier that's driving has a need for speed, driving like a bat flying out of hell. The buildings we pass flash across my parallel vision in a blur. There are a sea of vampires running in inhuman speed all throughout the city. Black SUV's are the only other cars on the road and toy soldiers are crouched down in front of each truck, kneeling on their knees with huge freaking guns.

There is so much going on around me but my wolf is focusing onto two things. Marko Polo and his gun!

She's not taking his threat lightly. I'm more concerned on his tone than his choice of words. Remember my motto: tone is everything, and he sounds deadly! My eyes zero in on the pistol sitting inside of his lap, and then they scan over his shaky hands. Why is he shaking?

"He's bluffing," answer's my wolf. She has been a lot more theatrically than usual. "Let me at him! Let me at him," she hisses.

See what I mean. She's not taking this life threatening experience serious. That's one major problem that all Wilde wolves seem to have.

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