|73| ~ Yet Another Important Business Matter~

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Cyrus POV

She lays her head on my chest, I'm her pillow. Her diamond-shaped face that is carved to pure perfection is pressed up against the cape of my neck. I slowly run the tip of my fingers throughout her silky soft dark brown hair. The very moment that I come in contact with her hair that all too familiar spark of electricity travels throughout my fingers and zaps heat inside of the palm of my hand.

It's well welcomed.

The tip of my finger shivers as a reaction. I love the effect that she has on me but, I still pull away slightly just to reposition myself, causing Embry to release a silent whine. Got, damn! Her actions cause my monster to nearly escape.

We love it when she does that shit. It nearly drives us to the brink of insanity every single time.

It's like she can't bear to be without our touch for just a second and trust me when I say that the feeling is mutual. It's so unusual, that someone like Embry thinks that we are worthy enough just to be in her presence. She's such a precious gift. Only the Blood God knows how much we don't deserve her.

That's when I find myself once again reaching out to touch her just to ensure that she's real, just to confirm that she's still here with me, hoping and praying that she never disappears. She sighs loudly and then sinks perfectly into my frame.

Yes, she's real. The devil's little angel. How did I ever get so lucky?

My finger begins to trace her smooth and porcelain skin. Her striking, big, and brilliant hazel eyes are wide open, staring directly into my soul. I place a kiss down on her forehead and then gently roll over, placing myself on top of her soft frame, pressing my body directly against her body, unyielding my manhood directly over top of the city of her precious jewel. She gasps and then takes a deep whiff of my scent. I can feel her nostrils flaring widely against my chest.

I can smell her arousal as it brews and then floats freely in the air. My, God!

It smells so good.

I want to taste it so got damn bad, but if I do, I'll never leave this bed and that's a fact. So, I must show strength.

God, help me!

"Go to sleep, my love," I command while rolling over and then placing her body back on top of my body.

"I love you, Cyrus," she tells me again. Her voice is soft and alluring like a siren.

Fuck, I'm sinking. I'm a goner and most definitely in too deep.

"I love you too, baby, more than you'll ever know," I speak from the heart. Very soon, her eyes begin to flutter shut. Within the next second, she's asleep. She looks so peaceful, so carefree, and so precious. I'm at ease just watching her sleep.

For a second, I just lie there listening to her lullaby of a heartbeat. I really don't want to leave her. What she means to me is what I mean to my Kingdom. She's that important to me. I just wish that I can stay here with her and sit at home all day.

She'll make me grovel and I'll most certainly, shall pay for every single mistake that I ever made and all of the trouble that I put her and her heart through. Fuck, I was a fool.

How could I not see what was right in front of me the first moment that I met her?

Why the fuck didn't I just claim her and run away forever, disappear off the face of the earth with the girl of my dreams by my side?

Fuck, I would have could have, should have but I didn't and now I have to pay for my fuckery.

Fucking, clown! Damn. Now, look at me! Forced to leave her behind while I go on some bullshit as a vampire King business trip.

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