|14|~She-Wolf in the City~

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Embry POV.

"Rule Number 5 Do Not and I repeat Do Not utter a single word to anyone who you are to me. No one is to know that you are my beloved," my mate stated to me through clenched teeth.

The moment the words left his mouth I wanted to drop down to my knees, ball up like a baby and cry. But I didn't.

I don't want to cry anymore. I'm not going to cry anymore.

I refuse to shed another tear.

Cyrus' rejection is taking me down a dark path of self-destruction and my human side is slowly but surely becoming restless.

I don't have the energy to cry. I've shed way too many tears since I've met him in this short period. I don't want to be that pitiful girl. I'm not!

I need to get myself together and push through this.

I don't have the strength to be battling with myself and battling with my mate for his affection and love. I've to get it together. I just have too. With that thought, I make my way into the bathroom.

The first thing my hazel eyes set upon is the white bag full of toiletries sitting on the golden toilet seat.

Yes, a gold toilet! The bathroom looks just as lavish as the bedroom. If not better! There is a gold toilet a gold basin, a gold shower, and a gold bathtub. The decor is also gold and there is a squeaky clean marigold marble floor.

I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror. The young lady that's staring back at me is not the same young lady that I've grown used to seeing.

For starters, my hair is tangled. A complete tangled messed. However, a little water and a good brushing will does the trick every time. The real troubling news is actually my eyes.

They are puffy, red, and swollen. Plus, my usual hazel shade appears to be dull and void of light, nowhere near as brilliant as they should be. There are dark little critters forming underneath my eyes and my skin looks paler than usual, almost like chalk. Oh, but let's not forget about my dry lips and wild, thick, and full eyebrows that can surely need a good plucking.

Oh! My Goddess, I look like hell. I've been through some shit.

Snap! I cursed again and I bought my goddess into this. Oh, Goddess! Please help me. I feel like I'm losing myself. I'm cursing, saying my Goddess name in vain, and I look like a train-wreck.

Feeling like I am completely losing myself. I need to get it together and fast. "I'm Embry Wilde and I can do this," I give myself a pep talk. "I can show him that we are meant to be one." I continue to boost my ego.

I smile. Fake smile. The type of smile that Farrah always complained about, you know the one that doesn't quite reach my ears. I look like a puppet. Fake and fraudulent.

Who am I kidding? I'm not mentally or physically ready to be a part of this world. His world.

Oh, man! Oh, man!

I think to myself while placing the both of my hands down on the marble counter top and lowering my head.

"Goddess please give me strength,"

"Yes, Goddess please give her strength," mocks Cyrus from behind me, making my heart drop, literally.

I turn to face him with my hand placed over top of my uncontrollable beating heart. "You gave me a fright," I tell him.

Gosh! I didn't even hear him come in. He moves so fast and sneaky, like a little church mouse.

"That's because you wasn't paying attention to your surroundings," scolds Cyrus.

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