|44| ~A Day Full Of Sorrow~

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Embry POV.

The sun is shining in through the window when I open my eyes. My hand stenches out to find my nights source of comfort. The emptiness hits my heart as soon as my brain catches on to the fact that he is not here. He's gone. Cyrus is not here.

I roll over to look at the empty space next to me and trace my hand over the spot that he laid in. I miss him already. Last night, was quite the emotional roller coaster for me and my mate held my hand during the ride. For what seems like the first time since we met, 

Cyrus was there for me.

Last night events really have got to me. When Claire passed out my heart dropped, literally fell out of my chest down onto the floor. There was this bizarre feeling that I can't even begin to explain. I felt like I have met my long-lost sister, began to bond with her and then suddenly her life was snatched away. The connection I feel with Claire is that strong.

I mean Claire is.... Well, she's... she's a lot of things. Claire is brave, beautiful, bold but most importantly, she's something special. I've never encountered anyone like her and I don't think I ever will. Claire is that special.

The entire experience with her scared the crap out of me. I was a mess maybe even a little overly dramatic. Luckily for me, Cyrus decided to take care of me. My beloved was very attentive. He gave me a shoulder to cry on without me even knowing why I was crying at all.

He whispered sweet and assuring promises into my ear and I couldn't help but to soak up every second. I needed him. I felt like I couldn't breathe and my mate was my air. He proved that he could be what I want, or more like what I need. I miss him already.

Our little moment was perfect but it was just that. A little moment and I have learned my lesson when my mate is involved. I will not give in that quickly. I can't sit here and pretend that I'm not already head over hills for him because I am, but I know better than giving into my true heart's desire.

No matter, how much my heart aches for him and trust me when I say my heart aches. It aches. My heart is bleeding love for my mate.

There is a constant sting that lingers, even right now. I can feel my heart breaking. There is a crack in the middle. The pieces will never be put back together again into my mate claims me the right way. Other than that, I'm screwed or better yet, I'm doomed because I'll never be complete into I have him.

Why does our relationship have to be so complicated? It feels like a never-ending storm, though it's a beautiful storm. Cyrus and I together are a beautiful disaster.

I lie in bed for a little longer before finally deciding to get out of bed, just in time to catch Gutter Butter strolling right in. The door is still broke thanks to my bipolar mate. It's things like that which prevents me from fully trusting him. He's too unpredictable.

"Hello gorgeous," greets Gutter Butter as he walks in carrying a tray of what looks likes a nice hearty breakfast. "I hope that you're hungry,"

Gorgeous? Okay, I really don't know what that's all about, but I'll go with it because he's carrying my heart on a tray? Food.

"Hello handsome," I greet back, while snatching one of the home fries off the plate with a big smile on my face. "Um mm these are delicious," I moan. How can fried potatoes taste this good? Actually, they're great!

"I figured that you would like them," says Gutter, while placing the tray down onto the table in front of the window. "Shall we," he asks as if he's going to eat with me. The very idea is laughable. He's a vampire.

Vampires don't eat good food, they rather feast on your blood, I think. At least Cyrus didn't eat breakfast we me back at my dream house. He just sat quietly and watch me demolish my food like the starved beast that I can be.

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