Chapter 2

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Three days had passed since she had the interview, no call, and no text. There was no need to panic yet, she told herself. She still had hope. The fourth came and she was still relaxed. The fifth came and she became tensed.

“Did they call you back yet?” Ana asked looking smug.

“No,” Nia said flatly.

“I knew they didn’t like you.”

“Shut up and face your computer,” Nia snapped. Ana laughed as she picked up her cat and walked out of the room.

The sixth day came, and Nia was slowly losing her mind.

“Better start sending your cv into Starbucks. I bet you would look good in their shirt,” Ana commented as she brushed out the fur of her cat.

Nia glared at her sister wishing she could slap the bitch out of her. Her phone dinged and she looked at it. It was an email informing her that she had gotten the job and telling her to resume the next week, which was the next day. She sighed in relief and looked at her sister who was watching tv.

“I got the job,” Nia said quite calmly even though she was bursting with excitement inside.

“Really?” Ana asked excitedly.


Ana let out a small squeal. “That’s amazing! Now you can buy me the …”

“Woah hold your horses there. I haven’t even started,” she said as she got up to pull on her vans and grey coat.

“Where are you going?” Ana asked.

“Out. And you better be asleep by the time I get back young lady.”

“Screw you,” Ana said as she returned her attention back to the television. Nia slipped out the door and locked it behind her.

A huge smile was on her face as she headed in the direction of Dean’s house. Halfway there, she stopped to buy a small cake. The distance between his house and hers wasn’t much and she decided to walk it. Besides, it was a nice night to be outside and she felt incredibly happy. She looked down at the white cake and scooped up some icing with her finger. Sucking on it, Nia walked into his apartment building and took the lift.

She was so excited to see him and share the news with him. Holding the cake in one hand, she pushed open his door and called out his name.

“Dean, babe I got the …” Nia paused as she stared at the scene in front of her. The lights were off but was dimly lit by the candles standing on the surface of tables. Rose petals littered the ground.

“Babe, what’s going on?” Nia asked as she looked from him, to the girl, then to the candles and flowers and fancy food on the table. She looked thoroughly confused. It looked like they were having a romantic candle lit dinner. Something he had never had with her.

She stared at his dark handsome face, “What’s going on?” she asked again.

Dean slowly got to his feet, “Shanice,” he began awkwardly, and Nia looked at him. Shanice? Since when did he call her anything but babe?

“Hey, what are you doing here?” he asked nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

“What am I doing here?” she asked angrily. “I thought I’d celebrate a nice evening with my boyfriend seeing as I got the job, that’s what. But I see you are already occupied.”

“Wait, hold on,” the girl said from behind him, “You already have a girl friend?” she asked Dean clearly confused.

“Yes, me,” Nia snapped.

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