chapter 45

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SHRUGGING OFF HIS coat, Robert hung it up and wearily walked into the kitchen where he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Exhausted was an understatement for how he felt. Things were definitely hectic at the office, but hectic meant business was booming, and that meant more money.

That didn't pacify him though, he wanted his assistant back, and that... thing Beth had employed in Nia's stead wasn't helping by throwing herself at him every five seconds. He should fire her, but he couldn't do that because he had no idea if the next one would be worse.

Perhaps he should hire a male assistant. Sounded like a plan.

He heard the tip tap of feet before he saw the dog. She came flying across the room to meet him.

"Hey girl," he murmured as he scratched her behind the ears. Willa licked his fingers in return and he grimaced in amusement. "Okay, that's enough. Scram puppy."

Willa barked at him before running out of the room.

He twisted the cap off the bottle as he walked further into his home and pushed his bedroom door open.

The water that had been on its way down his throat came back up abruptly and forced itself out of his mouth when he saw her. He spurted and coughed out more all the while glaring at the thing on his bed.

"Bloody hell!" He exclaimed wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "What are you doing in my house?!"

"Evening to you too," she said sweetly.

She was laying on her back; her knees were bent halfway. She wore a white long sleeved shirt-his shirt-which she'd left open. Red and white rose petals were scattered all over the duvet and the light had been turned down to a low setting.

Her lips were blood red and her makeup was on par. She'd cleverly used the makeup to hide the bruises Kate doled out to her, but even at that, he could see the faint scars of Kate's fingernails from where she'd scratched her and nearly gouged out her fair skin.

Robert scowled. "I'm in no mood for games Lisa, so pack up your stuff, including that nonsense on my bed and get the hell out of my house."

"Oh come on. There's nothing a man loves more than coming home to meet a willing woman in his bed and dinner on the table. I can be both," she said and ran a hand up her thigh, teasing him with the hemline of the shirt. "Come my love, you must be tired. I'd love to help you get rid of that tie."

"The only thing I'd love right now is to see your back as you leave. Come on now, get dressed and get out," he said moving aside and opened the door wider.

Lisa sat up and knelt on the bed facing him. Slowly, she crawled towards the edge of the bed and then sat back on her heels. The shirt was wide open now. She lifted a finger and beckoned to him sultrily.

Robert stared, and stared some more. He could feel a tent forming in his pants against his wish.

"Come on, I'm ready to give you... everything," she purred.

Sighing, he scrubbed his face with both hands as he slowly walked towards her.

"Yes, that's it my love. Come closer."

He stopped when he got to the edge of the bed and she smiled. Slowly she ran her hands up and down his chest as she kissed him on his cheek.

"Welcome home," she said as she unwound his black tie and threw it to one side of the bed. Then she proceeded to unbutton his shirt and touch his bare flesh.

Robert stood still as she kissed and licked her way up his chest and neck.

"Touch me Robert, please, it's been so long. I've really missed you."

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