chapter 11

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It seemed when Connor said she wouldn't leave the company unless she resigned, Robert had taken it to heart, because throughout the week, he had done everything humanly possible to make her life a living hell. His demands were absurd and totally unnecessary, but she couldn't tell him that now, could she?

He made a demand but made it look like a request and then insisted she had to do everything herself.

"Smithy, go to restaurant half way across town and get me their best dish of lasagna."

"Smithy!" He would yell from his office. And when she arrived, he would say in a sweet voice, "Go down to the ground floor and call the security guard there. No don't call him with your phone, go down there and call him."

"Smithyyyy! Tell the receptionist to give you today's sign-in sheet."

"Stupid! Stop waddling like a duck! Hurry up!"


Nia was ready to pull out tufts of her hair by the end of each day.

He occupied her with unnecessary tasks, and by the end of the day, her real workload piled up on her desk patiently waiting for her. Not only did she run silly errands, she had to listen to his snide remarks too.

So her joy could only be imagined when it was weekend.

Saturday morning found Nia laying in bed smiling to herself in her sleep. She wasn't going to see his face or hear his voice throughout the day. It was too good to be true.

She sighed and stretched languidly. Something heavy jumped onto her stomach knocking the breath from her.

"Ooomph! Get off Missy," she said gently pushing the cat off.

Trudging into the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and tied her hair up to keep if from entering her face.

Walking back into her room, she pushed the table aside to make more room. Then she spread her yoga mat on the floor and changed into black sports bra and shorts.

Sitting cross-legged on the mat with her hands on her knees, she picked up the remote control. Missy sauntered over to her but she gently pushed it away.

"Not now Missy."

The cat meowed and left the room.
Pressing play on the remote, the voice of the yoga instructor filled the room and she closed her eyes as she listened to the instructions.

Breathe in, and then out.

Monday to Friday was reserved for work, Sunday was for sleeping in and church, but Saturday, that was her day. Her personal day when she could do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, and that included yoga.

She was in the middle of an extremely difficult position when her phone rang shrilly. She crashed ungracefully.

"Dang it!"

She shot to her feet and quickly searched under her pillow for the phone. Finding it, she pressed it to her ear and nearly growled out her hello.

"Smithy, be at my place by 11, and bring a cup of cappuccino with you."


What the... No good morning. How rude. And what the hell did he want now? She thought despairingly. Just when she thought her day was going great.

Glancing at the clock, she sighed when she saw the time. Some minutes past nine.

Not feeling excited to see him, she took her time getting to her feet and going into the bathroom to take a shower.
Donning on washed blue jeans and a flimsy white t-shirt, she took her car keys and left the apartment.

Enduring Mr McGregorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang