Chapter 4

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Two months, that’s how long Nia had been working for Mr McGregor, and she loved it. She loved her boss, loved the company and she loved its workers. Mr McGregor was the best boss anyone could ever ask for. He was like a father to her. She had opened to him about her family, and being the sweet man that he was, he offered to pay for their green cards. But she had declined. She didn’t want to be a charity case, even though he told her she wasn’t that.

Stopping at the coffee shop close to her office building, she got two cups of creamy latte, a cup of unsweetened almond milk latte and a plate of fruit salad. For him. She had taken it upon herself to buy a cup everyday. Ever since he’d told her that he had never tasted the brew, she thought she could ply him with it to make up for the time had already lost. She stepped out of the elevator and stopped by Beth’s desk.

“Morning Beth,” she said with a smile as she handed one of the cups.

“And this is why you’re my favorite person,” Beth said taking the cup. “Hmm, smells fresh. Thanks Nia. I dropped some files on your desk for you to look over.”

“Sure, I’ll check it right away.” She walked away and stopped short, “Is he in?” she asked.


Nia nodded and walked into her office. Dropping her bag, she glanced at her watch. 8:35. She was early, as always. Knocking twice on the adjoining door, she pushed it open to see Connor already seated at his desk, hard at work. Sometimes he came in really early.

“Good morning sir,” she greeted chirpily.

He mumbled a reply and she smiled. He wasn’t a morning person.

“Your coffee,” she said going closer.

He instantly brightened up, “Ah yes, thank you,” he said taking the cup. “I didn’t have time to grab tea this morning.”

“No wonder you were in a grumpy mood,” Nia said amused. “I brought you some salad. I wasn’t sure if you had breakfast yet. If you don’t want it now, I can put it in the fridge.”

“Hmm …Put it in the fridge,” he said distractedly.

She did and looked back at him. The huge windows behind him were dark, not because it was dark outside, but because he hadn’t switched it from their dark mode. She walked over to the desk and picked up the remote. Pressing a button, the windows became lighter till the room was bright.

“There are some things that don’t quite add up in these records. There are dates missing and I would like to know why,” he said seriously. All traces of a smile gone.

“Do you want me to go to the records department?” Nia asked.

“Yes please.”

“Of course, I’m on it. I’ll bring it to you once I find it.”

“Thank you. And please make sure everyone is gathered at the hall at exactly 12.”

“Yes sir. If I may ask, what’s happening by 12?”

“Oh nothing, I just want to introduce my son, Robert. He’ll be taking over from me next month,” Connor said staring at her.

“Taking over. You’re leaving?” she asked shocked. He had never said anything about handing over, never given any indication. Heck, she didn’t even know he had a son. She felt so distraught.

“Yes. Its time I retired. These old bones need a rest.” Nia looked away and tried to compose herself.

“Don’t be sad, I’ll still come around once in a while,” Connor promised.

Enduring Mr McGregorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora