chapter 28

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Dedicated to VincyXalxo


The dress clung to Nia's breasts like a second skin. Sighing, she tried adjusting it but it was of no use. Silently cursing herself again for not bringing her own clothes, she ran her fingers through her hair. If she had just read the text, she wouldn't be in such an uncomfortable predicament.

The door burst open and Sally came skipping in with a bright smile.

"Sure, come right in," Nia said wondering how someone could be so happy in the morning.

"You're ready. Thank goodness cause I'm starving. Can we go get breakfast now? Everyone's waiting."

"Can't we bring our food back to the room?" Nia asked hesitantly.

She didn't want anyone to see her in the dress. It made her ass look fat.

"No. Mommy likes it when we all eat together. This is one of the few times Robert is present with us." When Nia hesitated, she asked, "What's the matter?"

Nia raised her arms and lowered them. "I don't feel comfortable."

"Because it's too tight or... "

"No it's not too tight, I just... "

Nia trailed off not knowing how to express herself. Her own clothes made her feel good, but being in another person's clothes now, she felt out of place. It was a fitted burgundy dress with short sleeves and ruffles on the edges.

"But you look really good," Sally said.

"I do?"

"Yes. You're slim and it brings out your shape nicely. I'd totally kill for your body Nia," Sally said with a dreamy sigh. "But, there are other things you can wear if... "

"No it's fine," Nia said quickly. "We don't want to keep everyone waiting."

Closing the door behind her, they walked up to the deck and Nia squinted at the blinding sunlight.

"Should have brought sunglasses," Nia murmured.

"They are on the second deck," Sally said shielding her face from the sun. As they climbed up the short stairs, she asked, "Do you work out?"

Nia glanced at her. "Not really. I jog sometimes, but I mostly do yoga."

Sally stared. "It's the same fuckin thing," she said in a flat voice and Nia laughed.

They came upon the second deck and Nia paused. There was a large round table piled high with food. And around it, were chairs. Connor sat with a newspaper covering his face with his wife beside him. She was talking to Kane. Gabriel was leaning against the railings and Robert was on a phone call with Lisa snuggling up against him. He wasn't paying anyone any attention.

"Hi mommy, hi daddy," Sally chirped going to sit beside Connor. Then she gestured to Nia.

Connor grunted in reply and buried his face further into the paper. Grace gently took the paper from him and folded it.

"Time to eat honey."

Gabriel took the seat beside her and smiled.


"Good morning," she replied.

What was it with everyone being happy in the morning. She couldn't function properly if she hadn't had her breakfast and a cup of tea.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked spreading a napkin across his lap.

"Not really," she said. "I find it difficult to sleep in strange places."

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