chapter 24

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The song ended and there was a round of applause. She laughed giddily and got off the stage.

"Oh boy," Nia said fanning herself with her hands as she walked back to their table. "That was nice. The people love me."

Kate scoffed and slid into the seat opposite her.

"We should probably get you home now."

"I don't want to go yet," Nia said dabbing at the sweat trickling down her cleavage.

Kate sighed and leaned forward. She reached out and snatched the bottle Nia had grabbed and placed it back on the table.

"If you drink any more, you'll have a terrible hangover tomorrow. And you can't handle hangovers Nia, you and I both know that."

Nia rolled her eyes. Kate looked over her shoulder and suddenly smiled flirtatiously.

"What are... "

"I'm gonna use the bathroom. Wait for me okay, then we'll go together," Kate said.

Nia nodded absentmindedly and stared at the person singing on the stage.
She tapped her fingers along to the beat and sipped the liquor she had poured for herself.

After a long time, Kate came back. She looked flushed and her hair was in disarray.

"I'm back!" She announced cheerfully.

Nia stared at her shirt. "You missed a button."

Kate looked down and quickly rearranged the buttons.

"I'm innocent," she murmured.

Nia scowled at her. "You and I both know that you did more than just pee. What were you doing there Kate? Having a quickie?"

Kate shrugged trying to hide her smile.
"Let's go."

Nia shook her head and grabbed her bag as they walked out together. The cold air instantly hit them.

"Yeesh! It's freezing outside!" Kate said tucking her hands into the pockets of her coat.

"Call a cab will'ya? I don't want to freeze to my death," Nia said shuffling on her feet.

"Yeah, I'll just do that," Kate replied tapping her pockets. When she didn't feel the bulge of her phone, she frantically searched her handbag.

"I can't find my phone!" She said panicking.

"Well go back in and check," Nia grumbled.

Kate rushed back in while she stood looking around. She sighed and began singing under her breath. Tugging on her suit jacket, she inhaled and chuckled when her breath fogged up. She was wiping her hands on her black slacks when her eyes fell on a black Camry and she squinted.

"Isn't that... "

"Hey pretty lady," a voice called from the alley behind her and she tensed. Her first instinct was to pretend she didn't hear them, but that would have been stupid.

Instead, she rubbed her hands together and said in a loud clear voice, "Sheesh, it's cold out here. I better go back in before Dan starts looking for me."

Dan was the bartender. A huge burly man that didn't take nonsense from anybody. He was her friend. And if the tout calling her knew what was good for him, he would leave her alone. Everyone knew Dan was a monster when it came to pummeling the shit out of the men who couldn't pay for their drinks. He was the bouncer, security and bartender in one.

They called him triple D.

She was walking back in when someone grabbed her hand and jerked her back. Her survival instinct kicked in and she swung with her bag. She was lucky because it hit her attacker hard on the head. Pulling out the pepper spray she always carried around with her, she sprayed it directly in his face and screamed loudly so anyone close by could hear and come help her.

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