chapter 20

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Nia gently moved the brush over her toe nail. Painting ones toe nails was delicate business, so you had to focus. She dipped the brush back into the bottle of pink nail polish and swirled it around. She'd just taken it out when Missy jumped onto the bed, knocking the bottle over and spilling the contents on the bed.

"Missy!" she yelled as she quickly tipped the bottle back up.

But it was too late. Half the contents of the bottle had spilled out. Luckily for her, she had spread an old shirt on the bed beforehand and the polish had spilled on it instead.

"Stupid cat," she murmured under her breath and closed the bottle.

Glancing down at her toe nails, she grimaced. They looked like she had used a foam to dab on the polish. It was ugly and smudged. She sighed and flopped back onto the bed. Missy came closer to cuddle and she nearly pushed her away.

"Leave me alone Missy, I'm still mad at you."

"Meow," Missy replied.

She looked at the cat blankly. She wasn't exactly a cat person, and Missy seemed to know this, because she reminded Nia every damn time that she was a cat. The only reason she hadn't given Missy to her cat neighbor was because Ana loved her. And she didn't want to upset Ana by giving her cat away. That would make her an awful sister. Not that she wasn't awful in her sisters eyes.

She wiped off the nail varnish and sighed.

"It's 9'o clock Nia, time for your yoga session."

Nia glanced at the phone and blinked. Why in the seven blazes had she downloaded an app that...

"Get your fucking lazy ass up Stoopid!" It yelled suddenly and she sprung to her feet.

She quickly got changed into black shorts and a bra top and tied her hair up.

"Hurry up Nia, or you will run laps!"

Nia grabbed the phone and turned off the app. She'd have to change the things it said. Her phone was getting rude.

She stretched first. Sitting in a lotus position, she breathed in.

There was a new pose she wanted to try, called a handstand. She just hoped she didn't break her spine in the process.


Ana was seated in front of the TV watching a new episode of a vampire movie. She was huddled under a blanket staring with wide eyes.

Nia stared at the screen for a moment and looked away. She didn't like such films, they were too creepy for her taste. Behind her, Ana stifled a scream.
It creeped Ana out, but she still watched it. Was that a normal behavior? The aftermath of watching such things was; Ana ended up having nightmares and sleeping in Nia's room.

"Where's mommy?" Nia asked walking past her to the kitchen. She was starving. Yoga made her hungry.

"I don't know, she went outside," Ana mumbled.

Nia instantly became bothered but said nothing.

"You want something to eat, Ana?"

"Yes please."

The door opened just then and Aida came in holding a grocery bag.

"Mom! Where were you? Did anyone see you? Were you... "

"Good morning to you too," Aida said flatly. "And yes, everyone on the street and in the Mart saw me. It was inevitable," she added with a low laugh.

"Mommy, it's really not funny."

"Oh hush now and help me make a proper breakfast, not this... Sugar you were about to eat."

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