chapter 39

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A stupid smile adorned Nia's face as she took the leftover dinner and put it in the microwave to heat up. She hummed and stared dreamily at machine as it slowly counted down.

"Is something wrong with her?" She heard her mother whisper behind her.

"Of course not mama, I'm just really happy this morning," Nia said.

"Liar," Ana said loudly. "She's smiling because she almost kissed her boss last night."

"Her boss?" Aida asked appalled.

Nia turned to frown at Ana who scowled in return.

"Don't look at me like that. I saw you almost kiss him, I was right there watching you guys."

"Oh, not creepy at all."

"Why do you think I played my music so loudly?" She asked looking smug.

Nia stared at her then shook her head and looked away. "You know you behave like a spoiled brat sometimes."

Ana shrugged. "Call me whatever, I don't care. I'm going to a party today."

"Ana," Nia began calmly. From the expression on Ana's face, she knew she was looking to pick a fight for no reason whatsoever. Not being in the mood to argue on a good day, Nia decided to tread carefully. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"I wasn't asking you for permission, I was telling you."

"Be careful Ana," Aida warned.

Nia sighed. "Ana... "

"Don't Ana me! You get to go everywhere and hang out with your boss in that fancy yacht of his. You leave this house everyday but I don't! Where's the fairness in that?!"

Nia stared in shock. She had no idea where the sudden bitterness was coming from.

"You know that's not what I meant Ana," she said softly. "You're only thinking about the partying, you're not thinking of the implications or consequences."

"What implications?" Ana asked with a harsh glare on her face.

"What if the neighbors report you guys for playing your music too loudly. What if the cops come to arrest the lot of you. And if they ask for your means if identification, what are you gonna say then?"

"I don't care about that! You're only thinking of that because you don't want me to go!"

"Ana... "

"No! You're looking for reasons to... "

"Would you shut up? I'm trying to make you see reason and you're here talking about how I don't care!" Nia snapped, her own anger flaring. She wasn't quick to anger, but when she did get angry, it lasted the whole day. Ana had succeeded in riling her.

"Do you know you could be deported on the spot? Is that what you want? Do you want the authorities to find out you're here, you want them to find out that mama is here too? Do you want to be taken away? Answer me! Do you want to go back to Mexico and continue living like a hobo? Fine by me! Go! See if I care."

She turned around and took her food out of the microwave slamming the small door with a loud bang.

"Screw you, I'll go back!" Ana screamed.

Nia ignored her and took a spoon.

"I will go."

"That's enough Ana," Aida commanded.

"No it's not! I will go back, do you hear me Nia? I'll go. I didn't ask you to bring me here in the first place. If you knew you were just gonna bring me here to dump me in this godforsaken apartment, you should have left me! Why did you even bother? At least I don't have to open my legs like a tramp for... "

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