chapter 6

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Rob stared after the car annoyed, the chocolate still clutched in his fist. What the hell? No one slammed into him and got away freely. He was going to find her and make her pay.

For the car.

A small voice in the back of his head told him it was his fault, but he dismissed it. Getting into his car, he slammed the door close and drove to his penthouse still fuming about the little dent on his car.

His phone began ringing just as he parked. His father's name flashed across the screen and he let out a frustrated sigh. The old man had been calling non-stop since Monday.

And like he'd been doing since Monday, he ignored the call. Tossing the car keys to the valet, he took the elevator up to his apartment. The phone began ringing again.

“For Christ's sake!” he snarled.

Connor wasn't going to stop calling until he picked up. But he didn't want to pick up. He'd once caught his father sitting on the couch calling him for no reason at all. And when confronted, Connor had smiled sheepishly.

But there was a reason this time. He was needed at the office.

Reluctantly, he swiped up and pressed the phone to his ear.

“Father... ”

He was cut off by Connors booming voice over the phone yelling profanities at him.

After a minute of continuous ranting mixed with insults, Connor was done. Rob made a promise to be in the office 8am sharp come Monday morning.

“That should calm him down for the time being,” he muttered to himself as he inserted the key in the lock.

The instant he pushed the door open, a large Siberian husky bounded across the room to meet him, her tail wagging in excitement.

A smile graced his face as he crouched down on one knee to scratch the dog behind the ears. She licked his face in return, happy to see her owner.

“Who’s a little happy munchkin,” he gushed staring at her as he ran a hand through her thick fur.

Like most huskies, Willa had black and white fur. White fur on her legs, and on her face. Black fur on her back spreading to her sides and top of her head. Her blue eyes stared back at him.

Willa looked like a wolf. The person he'd bought the puppy from told him she was the descendant of a line of wolf dogs. But he could be lying though. People lied and cheated a lot these days. Like that lady that had smashed his car and given him chocolate as compensation.

Who does that?

His face suddenly turned sour as he remembered.

Willa made a happy sound and licked him all over.

“There now, that's enough Willa. Thank you... Okay, stop,” he commanded. “Sit.”

He sighed and brushed a hand down his face. Getting to his feet, he kicked the door close and threw the keys in a glass bowl along with the chocolate.

“Come on Willa, let's see what this place looks like.”

The apartment was nice, if you liked that sort of thing. It was modern, too modern for his taste. It was open planned. From where he stood by the glass wall, he could see other buildings close by. Moving away from the wall, he continued with his inspection.

Having just bought the apartment, it was the first time he was seeing it. An agent had bought it on his behalf.

No, scratch that. His father had contacted an agent to buy the apartment on his behalf, without his consent. He didn't mind though. It wasn't his money. As long as it had a bathroom and a room to sleep in, it was fine.

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