Chapter 16

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Pepper, Brian and Wensleydale watched as their friend, Adam, became a completely different person. His eyes were still glowing blood-red and an evil grin was plastered upon his face.

"My friends are on their way," he continued "and then there will be this world, just for us. We'll get rid of everything stupid and start all over again. Won't that be awesome?"

The three children shared a frightened look.

"Say something!!" Adam suddenly yelled "You have to say something!!!! When I tell you to do something, you have to do it, all of you!!"

Stray tears slid out of Wensleydale's eyes "Stop it, please, Adam." He begged.

"Why are you crying? This is fun. We're having fun. This is the best day of all. You have to smile, I can make you smile."

His words sounded twisted and evil, he wasn't the kind, innocent boy anymore. He was the Antichrist, son of Satan.

All of a sudden, sickening smiles were painted on Pepper, Brian and Wensleydale's faces but fear still danced in their eyes, they were unable to move their mouths.

Harper's POV

Crowley shouted at the cars as the M25 grounded to a halt; the drive to Tadfield had proven more difficult than we had expected. I didn't blame the demon for getting annoyed, so in an effort to help, I offered to drive. Crowley and I quickly swapped seats.

"Just bloody move forward." He yelled at the cars as he walked around and got in. "As if this could get any worse." Crowley muttered.

It was almost like someone had heard him. Because that is exactly what happened. It got a lot worse, worse than we would've expected.

Suddenly there was a cold chill running through the car, causing me to shiver. Followed by an awful smell.

I turned around to see Hastur, Duke of Hell, sitting in the back of the car. Crowley was giving the disgusting creature a death stare, the unspoken hatred made the air extremely tense.

"Hastur. How was your time in voicemail?" The demon said sarcastically.

"Joke all you like. There's no where to run. Your done Crowley." Hastur said coldly.

"Oh just shut up." I muttered.

As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I shouldn't have gone there.


"Well, if it isn't the little damsel in distress, the human who made Crowley all soft." Hastur said patronising.

"Don't you dare touch her." Crowley yelled.

"I do what I want Crowley!"

Hastur glared at Crowley but Crowley just held his stare, his jaw locked. The two demons silently challenged each other.

"Maybe you need a bit of persuasion to cooperate, Crowley. That is where you come in my dear." Hastur turned to face me. "There's no where to run you two. We've got you now."

"No, not exactly." I said. I gave Crowley a look; trying to tell him I had an idea. Without hesitating, I slammed my foot hard on the accelerator and drove through the middle of the two lanes, towards the wall of fire.

"What? Why are you driving?" Hastur asked, speaking incredibly quickly.

We drove closer and closer to the fire and Crowley realised what I was doing. He held my hand, the one I wasn't driving with, and glared straight at the wall of fire, his hand holding mine so tightly.

"Stop this! You'll discorporate Crowley and I and you will die you stupid girl!" Hastur yelled, unaware of my plan.

"Don't let go of my hand." I whispered to Crowley who nodded.

We entered the burning flames but I kept driving, the fire dancing right in front of the car. Crowley was now laughing with the adrenaline, his eyes wide. I couldn't believe that this was real. Hastur and vanished with the fire but Crowley and I were still alive.

It had worked.

During my stay at Aziraphale's bookshop, I had read that demons have a special power. If they imagine something, it will become a reality. The problem is that most demons don't have an imagination, but I knew Crowley did. The demon can also share this power with another if they are physically connected.

"Oh my God, Harper you are incredible!" Crowley yelled as we sped through the fire.

"Just don't let go of my hand!"


We finally emerged from the flames, both of us hysterical as we looked at each other and then back at the fire. As I sped down the empty motorway, Crowley's hand had made in onto my thigh, he gently placed it there and didn't move it until I pulled over in a village near Tadfield. I didn't dare face him but I smiled uncontrollably, a blush making its way onto my face.

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