Chapter 9

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Harper's POV

I LEFT THE PARK SOMEWHAT disheartened by Crowley and Aziraphale's argument. We were meant to be working together to stop Armageddon, not fighting and bickering with each other. I wasn't on his side but I did stay with Crowley after the argument. 

As we got into the Bentley, silence hung in the air, I could tell that the demon was upset about Aziraphale but I didn't know what to do. Crowley had always been so sarcastic and funny that it felt strange to see him act in any other way. Now I knew how much Aziraphale meant to him, how important and timeless their friendship was.

"Hey, should we play some music?" I asked quietly in an attempt to lighten the mood. Crowley nodded.

I turned on the car radio and, to no surprise, Queen started playing.

Those were the days of our lives
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing is true -
When I look and I find, I still love you

The words of the song drifted like through the silence in the car, both of us listening without a sound. As the song continued, raindrops started to land on the car windows; at first not to many but within a few minutes it was properly raining.

"It's almost like God is upset too." I said with a half-hearted laugh.

"Yeah, so do you believe in God?" Crowley curiously. 

"Well," I started, "a week ago I didn't believe in angels, demons, the antichrist or prophecies, so now I am sort of open to anything."

"It must be weird huh, to have all of this information thrown at you?"

"Yeah, I mean, I'm 28 years old and until last week my life had been so astoundingly normal. Sure, I had dreams and everything but so does everyone. Now, well, I guess it is completely different." I confessed. It felt good to say everything on my mind and I felt at ease talking to Crowley.

"Yes, well, I can't imagine how many other humans are now friends with immortal supernatural creatures." The demon joked, we both laughed.

"And I can't imagine how many other demons are friends with humans." I responded with a smile. Crowley laughed and we went back to listening to the lyrics of the song.

Because these are the days of our lives
They've flown in the swiftness of time
These days are all gone now
but some things remain
When I look and I find - no change

There was a sort of unspoken feeling in the car as the rain fell down on the windows. I slowly leaned over to Crowley and gently put my head on his shoulder, still looking out the window. At first I could tell he felt tense but within a few seconds he relaxed.

"There really is nothing like it, is there? Rain falling on a window?" I said, just voicing my thoughts quietly.

"That's a rather poetic statement, Harper." Crowley laughed. I just looked up at him and nodded. 

"Well I am a poet." 

"You are." 

There were a few moments of silence as we sat and watched the rain fall, but suddenly Crowley said: 

"Oh look.", causing me to lift my head off his shoulder, "The rain is starting to stop, we could make a run for it?"

I nodded in reply although I did quite like just sitting there, and opened my car door. On the count of three, Crowley and I ran to the door of his apartment block, splashing through the puddles. When we finally opened the heavy door, Crowley and I ran into the lobby, soaking wet with the rain and cold. We stood there for a few moments then started to smile with the hilarity of the whole situation. We had waited ages in the car (not that either of us minded) to avoid the rain but then we ended up getting just as wet as we would've done anyway.

"Come on, let's get dry." Crowley said, leading me up to his apartment.

We walked up the stairs together, my shoulder occasionally brushing with his. When we arrived, he gave me a towel to dry my hair and I sat down on the sofa I had fallen asleep on a few days ago. After a while Crowley came back with some whiskey and two glasses. 

I laughed, "Crowley, you know we can't just get drunk everytime we are together." I said, although it did seem appealing. 

"Oh right, right. Sorry, I forgot that humans feel the long term affects of alcohol." 

"It's fine, I don't suppose you usually make close friends with humans." I said.

He came and sat next to me on the sofa. "Not usually no." 

He was so close that I could feel his breath of my face, I didn't really know what to do. I still couldn't see what his eyes were doing and it was driving me insane. The way he held his face so close to mine, so he could see everything I was thinking, but I couldn't even get a glimpse into his mind, was almost maddening. It was like he knew what he was doing. He could read me so easily but I could get absolutely nothing from him.

I couldn't take it. "Sorry, Crowley, but I have to go. It's getting late and I have work tomorrow." I pulled my face away from his and quickly stood up from the sofa. He still sat there, staring, so I said "But, I'll see you soon." to show him that I wasn't too angry at him. 

But Crowley still just sat there as I left the appartement. I said goodbye quietly and closed the door, running back into the rain, hoping that the it would somehow wash away my confusion.


Hi all, I hope you are enjoying this book! It's been very fun to write so far!!

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