Chapter 4

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Crowley's POV

WE HAD DROPPED HARPER OFF at her apartment but I had a strange feeling that it wouldn't be the last that we saw of her. I don't know how she realised that Aziraphale and I weren't actually normal people but for some reason, I felt bad about lying to her, hopefully I hadn't shown it. I shouldn't feel bad about lying, I am a demon for Christ's sake, I lie for a living! Since my fall from grace, I've spent my life lying to people, it shouldn't feel any different now. 

I decided to talk to Aziraphale again and get those thoughts off my mind, but just as I was about to start conversation he said something.

"Ummm.....Crowley, that nice girl left something behind."

"Who, Harper?" I said.

"No, Anathema." Aziraphale corrected. I personally didn't really like Anathema, she was too bossy and somewhat ungrateful for our favour. 

"She left an intriguing book, The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter." Aziraphale said.

"Keep hold of that, that book is important. I've heard about it before." I said, remembering the title from somewhere in the back of my mind. 

We didn't get time to say any thing else because we had arrived at Aziraphale's shop. He climbed out the Bentley and said goodbye with a smile and a wave. 

"I'll come to your place tomorrow to look at the book, it might be able to help us." I said and drove off to my apartment, music playing in the background. 

The Next Day

Harper's POV

I woke up the next morning still dazed and confused about yesterday's events. My interaction with the two strangers seemed almost like a dream, like they were too unusual to be real, just figments of my imagination. 

As I made breakfast, I couldn't stop thinking about the encounter; about the bike rack that suddenly appeared, or the  way the two men spoke to the lady in the convent. There was something about it that I couldn't put my finger on. None of it seemed real, it was like it all happened in a haze. 

My mind drifted again to the appearance of the man with red hair, Crowley, I think he was called. There was something so striking but also strange about him especially. 


It was just after midday and I was looking around Soho when something caught my eye. There was a old-fashioned bookshop, which it looked like something out of a film. It had lots of leather-backed books that looked more suited to the libraries in traditional universities. I was about to head into the shop when I noticed something.

Just above the door, there was the name of the owner of the shop:
A.Z.Fell & Co.

That sounded familiar. Strangely familiar.

Suddenly it hit me.


Of course it was a stretch, but it wasn't like Aziraphale was a particularly common name. I my mind I knew that this must have something to do with the people I met yesterday. 

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