Chapter 13

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Crowley's POV

AFTER LEAVING AZIRAPHALE'S BOOKSHOP , I sat down on the sofa, still a bit shaken by my fight with Hastur. Although I should still probably be scared that he, or other demons, might come back, I could only think about Harper. I thought about the need that I had to keep her safe and the way I felt when she was by my side. Never in my life had I felt something like this and the fact that I didn't know what it was annoyed the Hell out of me.

I always wanted her company and to talk to her. Talking to her was great; she always knew what to say, what jokes to make, what stories to tell. What did I ever do to deserve her as a friend? I smiled at the thought of her but just as I did, I also felt that familiar guilty feeling.

Demons weren't supposed to be like this.

It wasn't allowed, it wasn't supposed to happen.

Demons are supposed to be selfish and heartless. We are supposed to only look out for ourselves.

Does that mean that this feeling was wrong? Was this whole situation not right? I didn't even know anymore. Being near Harper felt so good but it had to be wrong. I was a demon, a creature of Hell. Maybe I should start acting like one.

Harper's POV



Aziraphale, opened the door gently and joined me in one of the rooms of the bookshop.

"Harper, whilst you in here, I did a little more research on the Antichrist. I used the prophecy book and I," he paused, "I found out his name."

I gasped. This was ground-breaking information. I rejoiced at how smart this angel was.

"His name is Adam Young."

That name ricocheted around my brain, ringing a very faint bell. Adam Young. He seemed strangely familiar. It felt weird to imagine that this boy had more power than any creature on Earth, it sent a shiver down my spine.

Aziraphale continued talking, "I had an idea that I think would prove to be very useful." He said although he seemed apprehensive, "I could try asked a higher authority about our situation."

"Wait," I stammered "You mean God?"

"Yes, I could try asking her."

"Is that even possible?" I asked.

"Yes, leave it to me dear." Aziraphale said reassuringly.

I gave him a nod and he began setting up some kind of holy ritual. He made a ring of candles and held what I presumed to be some kind of heavenly book. He placed the ring under the circular skylight and although the ritual hadn't started yet it already looked ethereal.

"Ok, Harper. It's all set up."

I looked at Aziraphale. He was just about to start the ritual when he turned to face me.
"Harper," he began, "don't take this the wrong way but can you wait in another room? Humans aren't meant to physically see God, and I...don't want to cause a fuss."

"It's alright, I understand. I hope everything goes well." I said, and left the room.

Throughout the next half hour, I heard some muffled voices but I couldn't make out what anyone was saying. I suppose it was for the best, I mean, God and humanity were two very different things, two things that never really should cross over.

The minutes passed slowly and I decided to get some work for my novel done. In my spare time, I had been gradually working on it and I felt like it was finally coming along.

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