Chapter 10

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IN THE MIDDLE OF TADFIELD, a small, quaint village in Oxfordshire, an eleven-year-old boy lay asleep in his bed. This boy dreamt vividly about all of the things he had recently read about in a mysterious magazine. He thought of a number of things: the lost city of Atlantis; extra terrestrial beings; and even the tunnelling Mongolians who listen to everything we say. As these thoughts danced around in the boy's head, little did he know that all of these things were becoming real.

Because of him.

You see, this wasn't just any child, this boy was Adam Young, the Antichrist, Son of Satan. And at that very moment, he was taking the first steps to Armageddon.

Aziraphale's POV

The Heaven Head Office was a modern and very spacious place with no walls and a big window overlooking Earth. This is where all the Angels had to report to, including me. One of the high up angels is Angel Gabriel, who, in my opinion is a right asshole, if I do say so. He walked around the place like he owned it, and all the other angels followed him. Gabriel was one of the reasons why Crowley and I became great friends, we both absolutely hated him, and being an angel, I don't often hate people.

I had been summoned to the Head Office and had just arrived. I walked in and saw Gabriel and some of the other angels. Oh, great.

"Ah, Aziraphale." Gabriel greeted in his annoyingly perfect voice. "I'm glad you could make it."

"Yes, ok then. Gabriel, why did you call me in?" I asked.

"Well, as I am aware, you have had quite a lot to do with the antichrist." Gabriel started. "How is that going?" He asked patronisingly.

"Ummm....its alright." I lied. I hoped that it was convincing and it seemed to be because Gabriel dropped the matter and started talking about something else, something that shocked me a lot.

"Oh, Aziraphale, some of the other angels, Michael for instance, have been looking through your past."

"My past?" I asked, confused by what he meant. It seemed so unrelated that I wasn't sure that I had understood correctly. 

"Yes," Gabriel replied "They have noticed that you spend a lot of your time with the demon Crowley. What do this pictures mean?" He pulled out about five photos of me and the demon, together in different periods of time; the death of Jesus, the French Revolution, the Dark Ages, and a picture of us sitting together on a bench in St James' Park during the Victorian era. My mind flashed back to all of those different moments and I realised that I had been friends with Crowley for a very long time, despite us both denying it.

Gabriel coughed, bringing my mind back to the situation at hand.

"Those pictures mean nothing! It was merely a coincidence." I argued back, knowing that he wouldn't approve of my friendship with Crowley.

"Ok, Aziraphale. I trust you but, rest assured that we will watch you, and all your interactions with that demon." Gabriel said sternly.

"Ok." I muttered quietly, and with that, I was excused. I walked out of the massive, glass building; this had reminded me how much I hated Head Office. 

Harper's POV

I didn't have a lot going on at the moment, at least that's what I told myself, even though there was plenty of work I could've been getting on with. I decided to take a bit of a break from everything that day and I found myself wondering towards Crowley's appartement. 

Finally, I reached number 666 and knocked on the door, hoping that he was in - having shown up without asking. 

But it didn't matter because in just a few moments, Crowley appeared at the door, holding it open with a smirk; he didn't actually seem surprised to see me.  

"Welcome back to my humble abode." He joked. 

"Why, thank you for having me." I replied in the same way with a laugh. Crowley laughed to then gestured for me to walk in.

I went into his apartment and was met with its familiar style - the black and red colour scheme contrasting the greenery of the plants. A modern architect's dream.  

"You know, I never asked you how you got such an amazing appartement." I realised. 

"Well," Crowley said, "one accumulates quite a lot of money when living since the birth of mankind. Aziraphale usually gives most of it to charity but I like to, you know, keep it." Crowley answered with a small laugh. He paused and then continued, "Believe it or not, I like living on Earth. It's actually quite a nice place. But, if we don't succeed, in a few days it will be a ball of burning goo."

I gave a sad smile about the whole situation. Crowley noticed and lead me over to a table near the window. He clicked his fingers with a smile and suddenly tiny galaxies appeared in the air. They floated above us in such immense detail that it looked like we were gazing up at actual nebulas. 

I gasped.

"" I asked, completely astonished by the small planets floating around in the air.

"Just a bit of demon magic." He said nonchalantly, but I could tell he was happy that I was impressed. "In case we fail at stopping the end of the world, we are going to have to go off to another know, together."

"Together?" I asked, not believing what I had heard. Crowley wanted to go off with me. He wanted to save me from the end of the world if it happened. That wasn't at all like the heartless version of himself that he presented to others. I tried to fight the unnecessary blush that was forming on my cheeks.

"Yes, well, I'm not going to leave you here, am I." Crowley replied quickly, as if it was obvious, making eye contact with me but then looking away straight after. "We would take Aziraphale too, of course." Crowley added, changing the tone of the conversation immediately.

"Yes," I responded, trying to act as unaffected as possible, "we would have to bring Aziraphale, I mean, what would we do without him?" I said with a smile, pushing the previous conversation out of my mind.

"Maybe we could go to the moon." I suggested hopefully, raising my hand to touch the small silver sphere that floated near the Earth.

"Hmmm." Crowley said in thought, also bringing his hand up near the 'moon'.  "No atmosphere. No nightlife." He concluded matter-of-factly. I laughed. 

"We could go here." He said, pointing at the collection of planets which belong to the Alpha Centauri solar system. "It's always nice this time of year."

"Wow, it's beautiful." I agreed in awe.

"I helped build that one......before the fall." He pointed out, but I could see it saddened him. 

"Why did you fall?" I asked tentatively. I wanted to know but I also didn't want him to feel obliged to answer, so I added. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"No, Harper, I think you should know."

We both walked over to the black leather sofa and sat down. Crowley slowly removed his dark black sunglasses and for the first time in a while I saw his golden eyes, the colour of the sun. My brown eyes seemed to normal, so boring compared to his breath-taking ones.

"," Crowley started, "as you know, I started off as an angel, a bit like Aziraphale. I helped create many things but I specialised in stars and galaxies."

"I bet they were amazing." I said, thinking out loud.

"They were." Crowley smiled.

"But then one day, I decided to ask questions. I wanted to know more about the universe, more about God's plan. And that was all it look back then, that was the reason I fell, for being curious."

"Being curious isn't a crime." I said strongly, "you didn't deserve to fall." It was unfair. I couldn't believe it.

"Maybe not." Crowley said, "but I guess it's all part of the ineffable plan."

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