Chapter 27

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Harper's POV

All eyes were focussed on Crowley as Beelzebub announced the start of the trial. There was so much tension in the room that I was almost afraid to breath. All the hideous demons glared at me and Crowley in such an intimidating way.

"This demon," Beelzebub started "has committed an unthinkable crime, one that goes against our powerful leader, Satan." The Lord paused for a 'dramatic effect', looking up at the crowd of creatures. "Crowley has conspired with an angel and a human to plot against our master's plan of Armageddon!"

The crowd gasped in shock and shouted mercilessly at Crowley. I wanted to do something, to say something,  but Aro still had a tight grip on my arms and a sly grin on his face.

"Creatures of Hell!" Beelzebub shouted "You have heard the evidence against the demon known as Crowley. What is your verdict?"

"Guilty, guilty, guilty!" The crowd of demons yelled, their hellish voices echoing loudly around the stone room. Beelzebub smiled wickedly and turned to look Crowley directly in the eye.

"Do you have anything to say before we take our vengeance on you?" They whispered eerily, causing a shiver to run down my spine. My breath dried up in my throat as the painful reality flooded back into my mind. There was a big possibility that at least one of us wouldn't make it out alive.

I glanced over to Crowley and as soon as I looked at him, I saw he was scared too. Although he was hiding it well, I could always tell.

"What's it to be?" He answered back to Beelzebub, trying to use as much sarcasm as possible. "An eternity in the deepest pit?" Crowley joked but I could tell he was still scared.

"No," the Lord grinned horribly "we're going to do something even worse; letting the punishment fit the crime."

They were going to kill him. They were going to kill Crowley. I never usually feel like crying in front of others, but this time I came close to it. My mind raced with terrible thoughts of Crowley dying; it was no use trying to shake them out. I couldn't deny how much I cared for him now, how much I loved his company. There was no use, it was written all over me.

A few moments later, a new person arrived in the room. They were dressed in all white and immediately I realised it wasn't a demon, but an angel.

"Archangel Michael?" Crowley said in shock and disbelief; angels very rarely step foot in Hell.

Beelzebub faced the angel. "Well, wank-wings, you brought the stuff?"

"I did. I'll come back to collect it."

"No, I think perhaps you ought to do the honours." Beelzebub insisted with slightly more apprehension than normal. "It's... I've seen what that stuff can do."

Suddenly Crowley realised something, something awful.

"That's holy water." He whispered.

A sickening sneer appeared on Beelzebub's face. "The holiest, yes." The Lord replied in their most evil voice.

One thing that demons can simply not survive is holy water for it is the holiest of objects ever to exist. One splash of the water would kill a demon in an instant, breaking them from within. Once Crowley touched the water, there was no chance for him. I couldn't just stand here and watch him die.

"Hastur," Beelzebub said, "test it, make sure it is real. We can't have anything getting in the way."

Hastur grabbed a small round demon from beside his feet. It looked almost like a beach ball.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The little but angry creature shouted.

Hastur simply ignored it and dragged the demon to the bath of holy water without a single hint of mercy on his face.

"No. No, no, no." The small demon pleaded. "What have I done? No no, please, please."

Hastur looked down at the creature and laughed. "Wrong place. Wrong time." He said cruelly and dropped the demon into the bathtub. At first, it screamed in agony, desperately trying to get help but after a few seconds, it went deadly quiet. Its body slowly fell apart, almost like it was disintegrating into the air. After a couple more moments, the creature was dead. Completely and utterly dead. I cried out in pain, knowing that Crowley would suffer the same fate in less than a few minutes.

"No please, please!" I yelled to no one in particular. "Don't kill him. I will do anything! Please!"

But the demons just continued with the trail.
"Demon Crowley," Beelzebub announced, "I sentence you to extinction by holy water!"


hello everyone, ty for reading this chapter, sorry it took so long to update. i wrote this kinda quickly so pls say if there are any typos :)

i have spent quite a while writing the last episode of good omens bc there was nothing that i wanted to miss out. hopefully u are enjoying this book

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