Chapter 22

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Harper's POV

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Harper's POV

"Um..." Gabriel said, confused. It was working. Crowley smirked at me and I grinned back.

"I'm going to need to talk to Head Office." The Archangel said. "How I am supposed to get 10 million angels to stand down? It doesn't bear thinking about." He ranted.

Beelzebub walked forwards with a scowl. "You should try to get 10 million demons to put down their weapons and go back to work." They said with an irritated voice.

"Well, at least we know whose fault it is." Gabriel said, addressing Adam, "Young man... you were put on this Earth for one reason and one reason only. To end it. " He glared at the boy, who edged away. 

"You're a disobedient little brat." Beelzebub spat at him. "And I hope someone tells your father, because he won't be pleased!"

Suddenly, the mood in the group completely changed. It felt colder, more hostile. Even the clouds became thicker and blotted out the little sunlight. 

Crowley again moved closer to me, so close that our hands gently brushed. 

"No no no." He muttered "No no no no no."

"What's happening?" I asked, concerned, "What's going on?"

"They did it." Aziraphale said quietly, "They told his father."


"And he is not happy." the angel finished.

Suddenly the ground started shaking violently. I clung onto Crowley's hand and Aziraphale moved closer to the demon's other side. 

"It's really angry, I can feel it." Crowley whispered, "It's getting closer."

"What's happening?" Adam asked fearfully.

"Satan is coming. Satan himself. It isn't about Armageddon anymore. This is personal." Crowley said as his grip tightened on my hand. "WE ARE FUCKED" He shouted to no one in particular.

The ground shook another time and the demon turned to Aziraphale. "Come up with something or...or I'll never talk to you again." Crowley said him, slightly panicking.

"Ahhh.....ummm let me see."

Aziraphale snapped his fingers and we were no longer in the Tadfield air base. Actually, I don't think we were on Earth at all. We were in a place surrounded by a bright light and there was nothing there apart from the four of us. I turned my head around to look at Crowley and Aziraphale and an incredible sight met my eyes.

Crowley was standing there with these amazing black wings stretched out like a bird. He looked breathtaking, with his blazing red hair and yellow eyes like the sun. I was actually unable to think.

"Adam, listen," the angel said kindly, "Your father is coming to destroy you."

"Probably to destroy all of us." Crowley pitched in.

"My dad?" Adam said in a confused voice. "He wouldn't hurt anybody."

"Not your Earthly father,

"Your father who is no longer in Hell. He is coming, and he is angry." Crowley said, turning to face the young boy.

"So, what do you want me to do about it?" Adam asked "Fight him?" He suggested.

"I don't think fighting him
would do any good."

"You're going to have to come up with something else."

"But I'm just a kid." The boy said in a small voice.

"But that's not a bad thing to be, Adam." I told him.

"You know, I was scared that you'd be Hell incarnate." Crowley said, walking over to join me and the boy.

"And I hoped you'd be Heaven incarnate." Aziraphale added.

"But you're not either of those things. You're much better. You're human incarnate." I said with a smile.

Adam looked up at me and I saw a glint of courage in his brown eyes.

"You can change things." I continued, "And whatever happens, for good or for evil...we're beside you."

We all stood in a line; Aziraphale and I held Adam's hands and Crowley interlaced his fingers through my other hand.

"Okay, I'm going to take us back there." The angel said "You won't have long to do whatever you're going to do, so make sure you do it quickly."

Aziraphale clicked his fingers and within a second we were back at the air base. A hellish sound came from behind me and I whipped my head around to see where it came from.

I wish I had never looked.

Satan himself was behind me. His face was a red as the firery depths of hell and he had jet black horns at the top of his horrible face. He yelled and opened his mouth, exposing all of his jagged teeth.

"Where is my son?" The creature shouted aggressively, slamming his fists into the ground, causing it to shake.

Adam bravely stepped forward and glared at his father.

"You? You're my rebellious son?" Satan laughed, his voice filled with venom. "Come here." He ordered.

"You're not my dad." Adam said sternly. "Dads don't wait until you're 11 to say hello. And then turn up to tell you off." He said, moving closer to Satan with every word. "If I'm in trouble with my dad," Adam continued "Then it won't be you. It's going to be the dad who was there." The young boy was right at Satan's feet now, all of his fear had gone.

"You're not my dad!" He shouted.

"What did you say?"

"Say it, Adam. Say it again!" Crowley yelled.

"You're not my dad! You never were!" Adam shouted with all the power he had.

Suddenly, the disgusting creature let out a loud noise of pain. Adam's plan had worked. "No no no!" Satan yelled as he sank back into the ground, going down back towards Hell. At last, his head sank beneath the ground, gone for the near future.

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