Chapter 18

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Harper's POV

Crowley and I arrived at the small town of Tadfield. It was eerily quiet, there wasn't a single person around.

"I don't like it here, this town gives me a bad feeling." I said, looking out of the car window.

"I know, but as soon as we find the boy, we can leave and pretend this never happened."

I smiled back at Crowley, he had no idea how dependant I had become on his words.

We passed many quaint little houses until eventually we saw a sign for Tadfield Air Base, where Aziraphale had told us to go. Crowley turned towards the air base but suddenly I heard a loud, horrible noise. It came from the engine

Crowley and shared a look and we pulled over. The two of us climbed out of the car and went to see what was making the noise.

Shit. The car's engine had completely blown.

"Ahhhh, why, for Satan's sake, is this happening to us now?!" Crowley yelled.

"It's ok, we can still get to the air base." I said, although I wasn't convinced.

Smoke was now coming out of the car, it was a mess.

"The world is ending and we can't stop it because of this stupid car!" Crowley shouted out to no one in particular.

"Crowley, we will still get there."

"How do you think we will get there then? We can't teleport!" Crowley asked, his sudden tone shocked me slightly.

The demon realised that he had crossed a line.

"Harper, I-"

"It's fine.

"No, it's not. I shouldn't have said that. You know, Aziraphale and I have this apology thing that we do, but I don't think there is time for that." He said.

"Crowley, it's fine."

"No," he said, grabbing my hand again, "Its not. Please, please, don't let me do that ever again."

I simply smiled at him to show that I wasn't upset by it, and he then smiled back.

"Crowley," I said after, thinking about the car again, "couldn't you just fix the car through a miracle?" I asked, still not sure how it all worked.

"I can try, but if an object created by humans, has too much magical force in it, it can break." Crowley said, looking unsure. I knew how much he loved his Bentley so I let the idea go.

"It's fine, we can think of another way." I said.

We both stood there, racking our brains for another solution but neither of us could think of anything. Suddenly, Crowley turned around and locked gazes with me.

"Harper, I'll do it. We are trying to save the world, if we're not quick nothing is going to matter in a few days."

The demon walked to the front of the car and clicked his fingers. Instantly, the Bentley was returned to its normal, beautiful self.

We both smiled and climbed back in, setting off towards Tadfield Air Base.


The air base was desolate and creepy. There was a tense feeling in the air, like something bad was about to happen.

We drove up to the gate and saw two people and a army official-looking man.

I recognised one of the people, it was Sargent Shadwell.

Seriously? Couldn't this man just do something with his life?

There was also another lady there. She had red hair and was wearing cotton clothes.

"Ah, Crowley, you made it." She said.


That voice. Was Aziraphale's!

"Aziraphale?" I asked, just making sure.

"Yes my dear." He replied. I smiled, I was glad to know he was ok.

"Nice dress, Aziraphale, it suits you." Crowley said sarcastically.

I was just about to start talking again but a loud, horrible crash stopped me. I looked behind my shoulder.

Oh my god. The Bentley.

Crowley and I ran over to the beautiful car that was now in scraps. The demon's face was of pure pain.

"No no no no!" He yelled, falling to his knees in front of the car.

"Excuse me sir-" Shadwell, started but Crowley ignored him.

I placed my hand on Crowley's shoulder, trying to comfort him whilst he shouted.

"Excuse me-" Shadwell continued trying to get Crowley's attention.

Does this man ever shut up?!

"Excuse me Sir but you are being incredibly rude. I am trying to talk and you are ignoring me. I will have you know that I actually exorcised a demon-"

"- Shut up you idiot! I am having a moment here!!" Crowley yelled.

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