Chapter 24

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As the trio left Crowley's flat, everything around the town seemed to be back to normal again. Everyone who had died, in Armageddon now came back to life; all the buildings that were destroyed had been returned to how they looked before; even the objects that had been broken now were working just fine.

Crowley, Aziraphale and Harper walked into the park and found a bench to sit on. The sun was shining down on them and the three finally had a chance to properly relax. But something was still off between Crowley and Aziraphale.

Harper's POV

"Should we get some ice cream?" Crowley asked happily, causing me to give him a look of confusion. He was still acting really weirdly.

"Yeah, that would be good." Aziraphale said with not as much excitement he usually had.

I decided to brush off their odd behaviour and just focus on having a nice, relaxing day in the park. They were probably just exhausted from the recent events or something like that.

We walked up to the ice cream stand and Crowley and Aziraphale started to whisper to each other. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but as soon as they saw me watching they stopped.

"What would you like?" The young man selling the ice cream asked with a forced smile.

The two ordered their ice creams and the man nodded, giving them what they ordered.

"And how about the lovely lady, here." The man asked with another fake smile.

"Can I have a strawberry ice cream, please." I said, not giving him eye contact.

"Of course, darling."

That word sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine. It was strange. But what happened next was even stranger.

Aziraphale stepped forwards forcefully and stood right up against me. The angel gave the man a glare and pulled me away from the ice cream stand. Even when we were back at the bench, he was still shooting daggers at the man.

"Aziraphale, are you ok?" I asked. He immediately stepped back and looked at the floor.

"Sorry Harper, I just didn't want to stay there anymore." The angel said quietly.

Even though I was incredibly confused, I just gave Aziraphale a smile and sat  down.

The sun rays still fell down on us and I let out a contented sigh. Despite my friends acting weirdly, it was still nice.

We sat in silence for a bit until Aziraphale started speaking.

"So, how's the car?" Aziraphale asked Crowley, although it seemed like he was trying a little to hard to make conversation.

"Not a scratch on it. How's the bookshop?"

"Not a smudge, there wasn't a single book burnt. I suppose Adam did it, right?" The angel asked.

"Yes yes, it was probably that kind little boy." Crowley replied.

This was getting weird. Crowley would never say anything like that. Something had changed. Maybe he was ill? Yes that was probably it.

"Crowley, are you ok?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes, Harper, I'm fine." He replied without looking me in the eye.

"Are you sure, you seem-"

"Harper." He said "Trust me, I'm ok."

I knew I couldn't push the matter much further so I leant back in my seat, annoyed that they were keeping something from me.



sorry for the short chapter, I had to set up the next bit of the story. Thank you all for reading :) 

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