Chapter 17

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The Them still followed Adam, trying desperately to get their best friend to stop. However, inside the Antichrist's head, some of his kindness started to come through, questioning what he was doing.

Adam turned around to look at his friends.

"Okay, I'm sorry I made you all shut up, but everything is going to be great. You can meet my new friends and everything will be how we want it."

The trio were now able to talk again and Pepper walked closer to the Antichrist.

"But Adam we don't want new friends."

"You'll like them so much. Just come with me, we can still be friends too. After all the people have gone we can rule the world that's left. Wensly, you can have America. Pepper, you get Asia and Russia. And Brian, you can Europe and Africa. Dog, you can even have Australia."

"So we'd rule the world?" Brian asked tentatively.

"But what about you, Adam?" Pepper asked.


"What country are you going to have?"

"I'll be here, same as always." Adam replied walking closer to the group.

"On your own?" Pepper continued.

"I don't want to go anywhere else."

"And this is our Hogback Wood too. We don't want to go anywhere else." Wensleydale said.

"We don't want to go to America or Asia." Pepper added.

"You will do as I say." Adam retaliated.

"Or what?" Pepper asked.

"Actually, he could kill us." Wensleydale added, earning an irritated sigh from Pepper.

"I don't care where you go or what you do." The Antichrist yelled at his friends.

"Goodbye, then Adam." Pepper said, with no emotion.


"Actually, yes. Goodbye, Adam." Wensleydale finished.

"What do you mean 'goodbye'?"

"We aren't your friends anymore. We don't like you." Pepper stated simply.

"Guys, come back!" Adam cried to his friends.

'Let them go. You have the world. You have the power. You have the glory. Let them go.'

The voice in Adam's head whispered to him. Adam was torn between two different sides. One right. One wrong. But the kindness deep within him began to edge through.

"Please come back!" He shouted.

Pepper, Brian and Wensleydale heard the sorrow in his voice and looked back at their friend.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I was thinking straight."

In his mind, there was a battle between good and evil. Finally, the kind nature in him was overpowering the bad.

"I know I went wrong. Please, just come back."

The trio walked closer to their friend and saw that he was truly sorry.

They wrapped their arms around each other in a comforting hug.

"Adam, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know. But whatever I've started, we've got to stop it. We need our bicycles. Meet back here in five minutes." Adam said, taking the lead.

"Where are we going?"

"The end of the world. It's not far."


Here's the next chapter, hope you like it. Sorry there wasn't much Crowley x Harper stuff in it, there will be next time. Also, sorry if there are any typos or grammar mistakes.

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