Chapter 8

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Harper's POV

CROWLEY TOLD ME THAT we were meeting Aziraphale at the park to discus the recent events so I made my way there. 

When I arrived, Crowley was pacing around the bandstand impatiently. 

"Finally," he complained with a smirk when I walked up to him. "Aziraphale's late." He continued grumpily, causing me to laugh.

"Why are you so grumpy?" I said, still laughing. But with that Crowley just turned to face me, before again checking his watch. 

As I looked around I saw a figure in white running towards us. Aziraphale. He reached us, out of breath, and straight away Crowley started talking.

"Well? Any news?" The demon said.

"Umm....what kind of news would that be?" Aziraphale said, after hesitating. I could tell that something was on his mind.

"Well, have you found the missing Antichrist's name address and shoe size yet?" Crowley said sarcastically. I nudged him slightly, asking him not to be too rude.

"His shoe size? Why would I have his shoe size?" Aziraphale asked, slightly confused, not picking up on the sarcasm.

"It's just a joke." I said with a small smile. "Don't worry, Aziraphale, we have nothing too."

"It's the great plan." The angle sighed.

Crowley suddenly spoke up, "Oh, yeah, just for the record, bollocks to the Great blasted Plan!" He shouted out loudly in frustration and began pacing again. 

"Crowley." I half whispered, half yelled at him. I gave the demon a smirk to which he jokingly raised his eyebrows to, making a weird but funny face expression. I smiled this and Crowley smiled back.

Aziraphale didn't notice any of this and continued with the conversation.

"May you be forgiven!" He gasped, referring to Crowley's previous comment.

"I won't be forgiven, not ever." Crowley said, turning to look at Aziraphale. "You see, that's part of a demon's job description: unforgivable. That's what I am." I saw his eyes quickly flick back over in my direction but within a second he was looking back at Aziraphale.

"You were an angel once." Aziraphale continued, lowering his voice.

"That was a long time ago." Crowley said coldly.

"We will find the boy. I know we will." I said, changing the subject to something a bit more positive.

"And then what, we eliminate him?" Aziraphale asked.

"Well, somebody has to. I'm not personally up for killing kids." Crowley stated, I could tell he was never going to change his opinion.

"You're the demon." Aziraphale replied exasperated. "I'm the nice one. I am not killing anyone, and I'm definitely sure that Harper won't either."

I could feel the situation begin to get tense.

"This is ridiculous. You are ridiculous!" Crowley shouted to Aziraphale. "I don't even know why I am still talking to you!"

"Well, frankly, neither do I."

"Enough, I'm leaving." Crowley said suddenly, causing me to look in his direction.

"Crowley, don't leave." I said sternly, avoiding sounding too pathetic. 

He turned to look directly at me.

"So, Harper, you're on his side." Crowley said coldly, but also with a hint of something, pain?

"No, Crowley, we are on our own side, just us against the world. Listen, you and Aziraphale have been friends for six thousand years-"

"We aren't even friends!" Aziraphale interrupted. "We are an angel and a demon, we have nothing in common whatsoever. I don't even like you."

"You do." Crowley scoffed.

"Even if I did know where the Antichrist was, I wouldn't tell you. We're on opposite sides!" Aziraphale shouted.

"Like Harper said, we are on our side!" Crowley yelled, he was actually getting a little bit upset, which made me feel awful. 

"There is no 'our side', Crowley, not any more." Aziraphale said sadly. With that he walked off, without even looking behind. I watched as the figure in white disappeared out of the park.

A single tear slid down my cheek, which I wiped away quickly, not sure why it has happened. But it didn't go unnoticed by Crowley. 

"Harper, are you ok?" He walked over to me, not really knowing what to say.  "Don't cry." was what he could manage. 

"I don't want the world to end, Crowley." I finally admitted.

"It won't, it will all be fine."

I looked up at the demon and he offered me a tentative yet well meaning smile. I knew he was a demon, but Crowley didn't seem like it when he smiled. 

I believed that he had been an angel once. I could see that before he fell, he was kind and loved the world - and that he still did. All this made me feel better. If someone who had been through so much could still love humanity, then I should be able to do so too.

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