Chapter 21

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Harper's POV

Just as we got back to where Aziraphale and the children were, Crowley and I came to an abrupt stop.

A strange, disgusting creature that vaguely resembled a person rose out of the ground. They had a swarm of flies constantly buzzing around their head and worts on their face.

Suddenly I realised who it was and gasped.

"Is that-?" I said, but I sentence was cut off by the vile demon.

"I am Lord Beelzebub!" They announced, glaring at us.

"What an honour." Crowley said with no emotion, just sarcasm

"Ahh, Crowley, the traitor." Beelzebub sneered.

"That's not a nice word." Crowley said, with a mocking frown.

"Well, I have more for you that are worse." They said, glaring. 

Suddenly, another being arrived and walked up to Beelzebub. He was wearing quite smart clothes and his dark hair was slick back. He had shining purple eyes that seemed to securitise me. I harshly looked up at him and he flashed me a smile; his pure white teeth practically blinded me.

He addressed the others, "Ahh, Aziraphale and Crowley, how nice to see you again." The man said with his perfectly horrible smile. "And who is this young lady?" He asked stepping towards me.

"Harper." I replied shorty. 

"It's a pleasure Miss. I'm Gabriel." He smiled but I didn't smile back. I didn't like him. 

He turned back to face the group.

"Where's the boy?" Beelzebub asked. They looked around and saw Adam, knowing that he was the Antichrist.

Beelzebub and Gabriel walked towards Adam, who tried not to look intimidated.

"Young man..." Gabriel started, bending down so that he was the same height as Adam, "Armageddon must restart. Right now."

"Yes." Beelzebub agreed "It is in your destiny, it is written. Now start the war!"

Crowley walked forwards and confronted the angel and demon, standing between them and Adam.

"You both want to end the world just to see whose gang is best?" He said, trying to tell them how ridiculous it was.

"Obviously. It's the Great Plan." Gabriel said. "It's the entire reason for the creation of the Earth." He walked over to Adam and I, plastering a smile on his face.

"Adam, when all this is over, you're going to get to rule the world. Don't you want that?" Gabriel asked.

Adam stepped forwards with a new confidence. "It's hard enough having to think of things for Pepper, Wensley and Brian to do all the time so they don't get bored. I've got all the world I want." He said. Aziraphale smiled proudly at him. 

"Well, you can't just refuse to be who you are!" Beelzebub said sternly. "Your birth, your destiny, they're part of the Great Plan!"

"Umm-" Aziraphale said, "Excuse me for asking but you keep talking about the Great Plan-"

"-Aziraphale, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut." Gabriel interrupted with a cold voice.

"It's just one thing I'm not quite clear on; is that the Ineffable Plan?" Aziraphale asked again.

"It's The Great Plan." Gabriel said, starting to get annoyed, "It is written; 'there shall be a world, and it shall last for 6,000 years and end in fire and flame'." He stated.

"Yes yes. I was just wondering, is that the Ineffable Plan as well?" Aziraphale asked. I caught onto what he was doing, and by the looks of it so did Crowley. We both shared a knowing smile at our friend's quick thinking.

"Well," I said, walking into the middle, "It'd be a pity
if you'd thought you were doing what the Great Plan said, but you were actually going directly against God's Ineffable Plan." I continued whilst Crowley tried to hide his smirk.

"I mean, everyone knows the Great Plan, yeah? But the Ineffable Plan... is well, it's ineffable, isn't it?" Crowley added. I nearly laughed at Gabriel's confused face.  "So, by definition, we can't know it."

"But it is... written." I added raising my eyebrows.

"God does not play games with the universe." Gabriel said stubbornly. 

"Where have you been?" Crowley laughed loudly. 

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