Chapter 34 - Ain't nobody got time for that!

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Chapter 34 - Ain't nobody got time for that!

Tyler's P.O.V


Stupid, dumb, fucking smoke. Everywhere. Blocking my vision.

I kept pacing around hopelessly, trying to see any trace of Samantha through the chaos and the smoke. There were students running everywhere, fire fighters who had just arrived, and teachers trying to calm the people down and gather them in a safe area.


I more angry than the hulk himself. I saw everyone I could have seen. Except for her. Saying that I was going crazy was an understatement.

I need to find her.

If only they hadn't pulled me out of the bus along their way out. I should have taken her with me. I should have made sure she was safe before I moved my feet.

The stupid bus had just chosen this very day to crash into a tree and burn down in the middle of a snowy road.

Some completely suitable conditions for a bus to burn down, don't you think? Note the sarcasm.

I groaned in frustration as I scanned my surroundings once more for here. Still, no signs.

“Samantha, where the hell are you!” I called out desperately. No one answered or even paid attention.

What if.. what if she was still on the bus?


The thought horrified me. Every hair on my body stood on an end and I found myself taking long strides towards the burning wreck.

“What is he doing! Back off, boy!”

“Excuse me, you're not allowed in this area until the fire is completely gone,”

Stupid voices were speaking all at once. And I couldn't take it any more.

A couple of men grabbed my arm, “What are you doing! You could risk your life, calm down!”

I tried to shrug myself out of their grip, but no avail. “You want me to freaking calm down, my girlfriend is in there! I know she is, I can't find her!” I yelled at them.

I won't let anything happen to her. No. I wasn't going to lose another person. That was just too much. First my parents, my grand mother, and now this. No.

“Calm down, son. There's no one on the bus, I assure you. We made sure of it before we started putting off the fire,” an old man told me and a wave of relief rushed through me.

She's not on the bus, she's not burning in that fire, she's alive.

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