Chapter 26 - What if he was eating our pizza queen?!

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Chap. 26

The morning sunlight made it's way to my eyes, trying to interrupting my dream. "Go away," I groaned as I tried my best to stay in my dream and not wake up,

My brown hair was up in a high pony tail and I was wearing a very nice silver armor. The place around me seemed like somewhere from the middle ages. I was fighting with some evil broccoli's that wanted to eat my oreo's for some reason.

"Die, you disgusting green ass!" I exclaimed as my blade went through it's stomach. Quickly, another green monster was approaching. I extended my sword and with one, swift move, I cut it into two.

When I was done, I was surrounded by piles of dead green broccoli villains. I rested against my large sword as I admired the glory of my victory.

I stoop up straighter when I saw Madame le pizza, the queen, approaching me. She had a golden trophy in her hand.

"And once again, the oreo's are saved by out ultimate heroine, Samantha Walters!!" She announced. I was smiling and saying "Thank you" over and over. I walked up to the queen and I could already smell her cheesy fragrance.

I bowed down slightly then stood straight up again. I extended my arm to take the trophy from the queen-

The stupid sunlight came again and I felt something warm and wet on my face. "Fuck off!" I groaned again and it had gone away. I buried my face in the pillow in frustration.

I inhaled deeply. This pillow smelled really good. My pillow didn't usually smell so good. I pulled my face from the pillow and glanced at the ceiling. It was blue. I frowned. My room's ceiling was white. 

There was definitely something going on. I tried to make up something or remember anything as I looked at myself. I started to conclude some facts that me me freak out more. 

First off, my pillows never smelled so good. They didn't even have a smell; Secondly, my ceiling had always been white as far as I could remember. And I never slept in a boy's clothing. And I for sure, didn't have a sexy masculine arm draped over my waist every morning.

I almost jumped as I noticed that last one. I looked behind me and saw Tyler.

Shit. What exactly happened last night? I though as I started to panic. Why was he here, and why was I here?

I was panicking when I remembered all the events of last night. I sighed in relief when I remembered how he was drunk and he asked me to stay. I searched for my phone where I remembered I left it on the night stand. I turned on the screen and saw that it was still 6:00 am. I had to get home to get ready for school.

I was about to remove Tyler's arm away from me and get out of the bed when I saw the notebook that laid on the night stand. I froze when I remembered what I read there. I had to confront Tyler about it. How did he know me before today?

All I remembered was I started to freak out when thoughts filled my mind and I fell asleep. But now, it all had resurfaced. All the confusion and the questions that were wandering through my mind were back.

I gently removed Tyler's arm away as I got up. Trying not to wake him up. I stood up and straightened my clothes when I saw something that made me stand in my tracks.

There was a dog. A huge one. And it was standing about four feet away from me, wagging it's tail in amusement.

Where the hell did this come from?

I was pretty sure that it wasn't there last night. It was a huge Labrador retriever. Was Tyler keeping it under the bed or something? The dog got out of the room, still wagging it's tail.

I tried to wake up Tyler. I poked his arm with my index finger when I leaned on the bed.

"Tyler," another poke. He just groaned and turned around. I frowned.

"Tyler!!" I exclaimed and poked his arm again but he wouldn't wake up. I huffed in irritation. Did he really have to be such a heavy sleeper!?

I heard him murmur something in his sleep. I leaned in closer to listen.

"Hmm... Pizzas rock..." He murmured heavily. I found myself grinning as I tried my best to suppress my laughter.

Well, seems like I'm not the only one who dreamed of food.

My mind went back to my dream and I tensed. Shit.

What if he was eating our pizza queen?! I shuddered at the thought.

The Oreos and Mr. Doughnut would suicide if that happened.

How do you know it's not happening already?

That hungry bastard!!

He might be just eating a villager, though. The little voice in my head mused.

Villagers do matter, too! You idiot!

Grow a pair, you weirdo!

I could hear my subconscious yelling at me. I shook my head and tried to forget the fact that Tyler was probably having our queen as dinner, now.

I sighed when I knew that there was no him waking up any time soon. I walked carefully out of the room. Wanting to reach the bathroom but being cautious of that dog at the same time.

What if he was just out of my imagination? Was I finally losing my sanity to all the bullshit that I was going through? I thought trying to calm myself down. Being insane was better than having a real dog brag on you while you're sleeping, right?

I was halfway towards the bathroom when I heard a loud banging sound coming from the kitchen. As if someone was there.

I froze in my place. Whoever or whatever was there, wasn't a good person. I knew it. I was so scared right then as all the scenarios played through my head.

Shit. I could have even peed myself without knowing it at that moment.

Suddenly, a man's head came out of the kitchen's door, "Why hello, there," He said with a smile.

I screamed. With all the voice that was in me and until my lungs were empty.

"Tyleeer!!" I yelled as I ran back towards the bedroom.

I entered quickly and slammed the door shut then I jumped of the bed, not noticing that I stepped into Tyler's stomach in the process.

"Ow, what the fuck!" He groaned.

"Shit, sorry," I said as I moved my foot away from the gorgeous squished man who was underneath it. My voice was shaky and I started to panic.

He ran a hand through his hair and then his face softened when he looked up at me, "Hey, what's wrong?" He said as he knotted his eyebrows. I noticed how he looked so cute when he was concerned. His mesmerizing eyes were a clearer shade of bluish grey right now, but there was something also clouding them.

"Th-There's a man," I said quietly as I gestured towards the door, "A-And a dog. A very large dog," I swallowed as I realized that the warm wet thing that woke me up, was in fact, the dog's tongue.

Holy crap!! I was going to get the woof woof flu!!

Tyler just looked at me. his eyes were dancing in amusement and his lips curved up into a smirk. one of his dimples showed and I swallowed again. 

Focus, you idiot! There's a freaking possible burglar slash murderer slash rapist slash a mental patient who ran away in the freaking kitchen!!

To my utter surprise, Tyler clutched his stomach in a fit of laughter. In other circumstances, I would smile at the angelic husky sound. But right now, I was glaring daggers into his skull.

"What?" I said.

"That... Oh god!!" He let out another fit of laughter and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you done, now?" I said in irritation.

"No, wait," He panted. Then he laughed again. When he stopped, he grinned sheepishly at me, "I'm done, now," He said.

I was about to ask him who was that when he gave me an answer as if he'd been reading my mind.

"That's Richard," He said with a grin.

I quirked an eyebrow at him, "Rich- who?" I asked.

"Richard, he's the coolest guy. He's my mom's cousin," He clarified.

What would his mom's cousin be doing here?

"And... The dog?" I asked.

"That's Linda," He said with a grin. "She's Richard's dog," He said.

It all had made sense now. I relaxed when I knew that the man wasn't some sort of criminal and the dog wasn't out of my imagination.

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