Chapter 35 - My Banana Ass Luck Decided To Slap Me

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Chapter 35 - My Banana Ass Luck Decided To Slap Me

Unknown's P.O.V

“She's sleeping, now,”

“That's great, I shall send someone to finish this soon.” my boss' said coldly, I could catch a tone of victory in his voice.

“H-Have you found someone, yet?” I asked. As far I knew, they hadn't found someone, yet. Since me and my partner have only agreed to manage bringing Samantha, there wasn't someone to do the killing.

“I found a volunteer.”

“Another one?” I asked. I was shocked since my partner was a volunteer as well. Did so many people actually want Sam dead?

“No, no new people. And they are two. The blade and the cheetah wanted to do it. Why couldn't you do it anyway, Ray?” He said.

No shit.

I didn't know what to say so I just hung up. This was just horrible. Not only did he involve another person into killing an innocent girl, he brought the most cold-blooded killers out there to do it.

I have heard a lot of stories about the blade among the the gang members. She was the only killer I haven't met, but I knew that she used torturous ways to get rid of her preys. She was a teen ager, too. And she was a girl. Same with the cheetah. They were like a team, and they did it with no regrets.

As hard as it was to believe that two girls would want to kill people willingly, maybe they had a back story, just like me. Maybe they blackmailed them about their family as well.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door of the two story cabin we were staying in. Samanatha was sleeping in a bedroom upstairs, so I knew she wouldn't wake up from the sound.

I opened the door and there she was; my partner. I was expecting her to come, since she told me that she was going to wait and come in the school trip. However, I was meant to take Samantha away during the bus crash so that no one would notice our absence. It took the gang too much trouble to cause that “accident”.

“Is she up there?” she asked.

“Yes, She's sleeping,” I nodded.

“Good, did you hear from any one?”

I knew she meant the boss. I nodded. “Come in and I'll tell you about it,” I said then I moved away for her. We walked inside and she sat on a couch while I just grabbed a chair to sit on.

“he said they found someone to kill her,” I started.

“Really?” She said. However, she didn't seem surprised for some reason. “Who is it?” she asked.

“They are sending the blade and the cheetah to do it,” I replied.

She chuckled. Still seemingly unfazed for some reason. “What are those stupid names?” she wondered.

“Every one of us has one, you don't know that because you're a volunteer. Mine is the ray,” I explained.

“I see,”

For a few moments there was an awkward silence that had taken over. However, that silence was suddenly shattered by a loud bang on the roof. It sounded just as if a large brick was thrown at the cabin.

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